Saturday 24 February 2018

كامبوس الفوركس يوجياكارتا

كامبوس فوريكس يوغياكارتا
إيداع دان سحب بنك دينا لوكال.
تيغا لانكاه موده بوكا أكون، فاليداسي كيموديان الودائع.
سيستيم سوداه تيرينتيراسيراسي دنغان سمز دان إمايل أونتوك بيركومونيكاسي دنغان سيموا كلينت.
ديمي كيمانا برترانساكسي ويب سوداه دي إنكريبسي.
مكافأة داباتكان 30٪ سيتياب ميلاكوكان إيداع.
تقاسم الخصم 1.5 ديكيريم تياب مينغو.
الثلاثاء، 26 يناير، 2018.
كارا مينينتوكان أرا ماركيت دنغان إنديكاتور هارجا فتح يوميا.
الجمعة، 15 يناير، 2018.
مؤشر ستوش مذبذب كامبوسفكس.
الاثنين، 9 نوفمبر 2018.
تنيك سيرمين ريبيت هنتر.
8. تونغو سامباي الربح. يايتو هارجا تورون داري أوب يانغ كيدوا 9. جيكا سوداه إجمالي الربح سيجيرا إغلاق كل 10.ulangi لاجي تيروس.
بيريكوت كونتوه أوب دنغان تكنيك سيرمين دنغان مشروط 200 $ دلام سنت منجادي 26.000 دنغان مكافأة 30٪
الجمعة، 28 أغسطس، 2018.
منيلماتكان أكون جيكا صلاح بوسيسي دينغان تكنيك فيبو دايلي + ساياب غارودا.
سيتيلاه بيلاجار تكنيك فيبودايلي سوق تيداك سيلالو سيسوي دنجان بريديكسي هينغغا منيبا كيتا صلاح بوسيسي، تنيك إيني دي غوناكان ونيل منيلماتكان أكون كيتا داري خسارة دنغان تكنيك ساياب غارودا (التحوط)،
Berdoa - وGT. أناليسا دنغان فيبو daily - & غ؛ أوب شراء / بيع - & غ؛ ماينكان ساياب جارودا جيكا صلاح أناليسا - & غ؛ سيتيلا بروفيت - & غ؛ كلوز ترانساكسي.
1. سيتيلا كيتا أناليسا السوق لالو كيتا بوتوسكان أوب بوي دغ لوت 0،01.
تنيك إيني باغوس سعت ماركيت تريند، دان بيكين ديغ ديغان سعت ماركر سيديواي (تيرغانتونغ مم) جاراك بيسا 20 / 15pip (أنتارا المرجع شراء دان بيع بيرتاما) دان 5 / 3pip (أنتارا أوب سيلانجوتنيا) سوق التجزئة سوق دبي ديسارانكان أوب سعت لندن المفتوحة أتاو أكان أخبار سيابكان كيتاهانان مشروط الحد الأدنى ل 5x بانتولان أوب (بيار نداك ماك)
الأربعاء، 24 يونيو، 2018.
مؤشر يانغ ديبيرلوكان تكنيك فيبوديلي.
الأحد، 3 مايو، 2018.
فيبو يوميا.
الثلاثاء، 7 أبريل، 2018.
فيبو سيباجاي باتاس تب دان سي.
تيرليهات مستوى المستوى فيبو مولاي داري 0، 23.6، 38.6، 50، 61.8، 161.8، 261.8، 423.6. إنيلا مستوى فيبو ستاندارت. في الهواء الطلق اليابانية في الهواء الطلق مينامباهان مستوى ناقص سيهينغغا أكان تامبو فيبو أتا بواه، كارا مينامباهان كليك غاريس بوسوس-بوتوس ميرا كيمودي كليك كنان.
سي: ليتاكان بادا 23.6.
أوب: بادا غاريس يوميا.
كونتاه بادا غامبار:
جيكا فيبو سايا ديليت أكان تامباك سيبيرتي إيني كونتوه أوب نيا:
بيرثيان: أندا أورانغ بيجاك جيكا كوباس دنغان مينكانتومكان كومبرنيا.
السبت، 4 أبريل، 2018.
ميمباكا، باع، داري، الشمعدان، تشارت.
أناليسا تكنيكال، داري داتا يانغ ديبيريكان شمعدان يانغ تيلاه تربينتوك، كيتا بيسا ميمبريديكسي.
سيبيرتي أبا شمعة سيلانجوتنيا يانغ أكر تيربنتوك. أباكاه شمعة نيك أتاو شمعة تورون.
سيهينغغا جيكا كيتا ميميليكي غامباران كاندل أبا يانغ أكان تيربنتوك، كيتا بيسا منغامبيل.
كيبوتوسان أباكاه ميلاكوكان شراء أتاو بيع.
بيربيدان بيسارنيا تيكانان دان دورونغان إينيلا يانغ كيموديان منيبابكان بينتوك كاندلستيك.
بيربيدا ساتو سما لينيا.
سيهينغغا بادا أخير بيريود ماركيت ديتوتوب ديتاتاس هارجا بيمبوكان، أخيرنيا تيربنتوكلا.
شمعة نيك (هيجاو).
بيزار دورونغانيا، ماكا سيماكين بيزار الجسم شمعة يانغ تيربنتوك. سيهينغغا بيسارنيا الجسم.
كاندل هيجاو إيني مينونجوكان دوميناسي بيمبلي.
أهير بيوداس بياسانيا نيلاي بينوتوبان ديباوا هارجا بيمبوكان. كوندسي إينيلا يانغ منيبابكان شمعة يانغ تربينتوك بيروارنا ميرا (تورون).
تيكانان بينجوالان، ماكا هارجا أكان سيماكين جاتوه دان سيماكين ممبنتوك الجسم شمعة ميرا.
يانغ بانجانغ. سيهينغغا بيسارنيا الجسم شمعة ميرا إين مينونوكان بيسارنيا دوميناسي بينجوال.
ميسالنيا كيتيكا بيمبلي ميندوميناسي باسار ماكا كاندل أكان تيروس سيرا نيك. Selama تيداك.
أدا بيرلاوانان داري بينجوال (تيداك أدا بينجوالان يانغ بيرارتي) شمعة يانغ تربينتوك منجيكوتي.
أرا شمعة سيبلومنيا.
ماكا مونكول لاه أكسي بينجوالان سيباجي بينتوك بيرلاوانان داري بينجوال. صلاح ساتو بينيبابنيا.
عدالة أكسي جني الأرباح.
ماكا سيلانجوتنيا بيهاك يانغ ميلاكوكان بيرلاوانان لاه يانغ مينانغ دان أكان تيرجادي.
بيرغانتيان دوميناسي باسار، سيهينغغا تريند أكان باليك arah. Dari sini كيتا بيسا ميمبريديكسي.
سلانجوتنيا أكان باليك أرا جوغا.
ماكا كيتيكا بانياك ترادر ​​يانغ بيرانتوسياس ميمبوكا بوسيسي، إيني أكان مينغاسيلكان سيبواه.
تينغا ونتوك منغراكان السوق جادي سيرا دينغان جينيس أنتوسيا إيتو. أبالاجي تيداك أدا.
بيرلاوانان، ماكا كيتا بيسا ميمبريديكسي شمعة يانغ أكر تربينتوك سيرا دنغان شمعة يانغ.
melambat. كيراغوان إيني مونكول كارينا تاجر مينيلاي سوق سوداه تيرلالو تينغجي، تيرلالو رينداه،
كونديسي جينوه أتاو ماركيت بيرادا دي زونا سوبورت & أمب؛ مقاومة . دينجان تيداك تاجر أدانيا يانغ.
ميمبوكا بوسيسي، ماكا تيداك أدا تيناغا ونتوك منغراكان ماركيت.
ديامبيل أليه أوله صلاح ساتو بيهاك.
يانغ إنجين ميمباليك أراه كان سيبواه تريند. نامون كادانغ كالا أوساها إيتو دياوالي دنغان.
سيبواه تيست كونديسي، يايتو منجيتست أباكاه ماركيت بينار-بينار بيسا ديباليك أراهكان أتاو تيداك.
. إيني ديتانداي دنغان إكور كاندل بانجانغ يانغ بيرلاوانان دنغان أراه تريند يانغ سيدانغ تيرجادي.
أرا دينغان شمعة سيبلومنيا. فترة ما بعد فترة شمعة ديتريك كيمبالي دان ديتوتوب منجادي.
سيجا دينغان شمعة سيبلومنيا.
إيني كيتا بيسا بيرسياب سياب ميمبوكا بوسيسي يانغ ميلاوان تريند.
تاجر، مينغارابكان، باع، باليك، أرا. نامون كيتيكا طيبة طيبة مونكول سيبواه شمعة يانغ.
مينتوكان أنتواسياس تيتاب سيرا دينغان تريند يانغ سيدانغ تيرجادي (مونر 3)، إيني باتوت.
هال يانغ بيربيدا، ماكا جيكا ديليهات داري تيناغانيا، تيناغا ساتو أورانغ إيني سيبينارنيا كيسيل دان.
بوله ديكاتاكان كوسونغ، سيهينغغا سانغات موداه أونتوك ديكالاهكان.
وجهات النظر: 0 يوبت في سن المراهقة سخونة، سخونة في سن المراهقة اللسان، نامون تيتاب ساجا مناريجني ليبيه تينغجي أتاو ليبيه ريندا دولو أونتوك مينغاباتكان هانغا يانغ ليبيه.
بيك، بارو كيموديان ماركيت ديباليك أراهكان.
جوغا، ماكا كيتا بيسا ميمبوكا بوسيسي يانغ بيرلاوانان دنغان تريند يانغ تيرجادي.
الجمعة 3 أبريل 2018.
هاسيل أناليسا نف 3 أبريل 2018.
الثلاثاء، 17 فبراير، 2018.
ترادينغ دنغان إنديكاتور ستوش مذبذب & بنتول.
تعيين ستوش (18،3،3)، تيمفام H1.
القاعدة أوب سيل جيكا بوسيسي ستوش بيرادا دياتاس 80، دان أوب بوي سيكا بوسيسي ستوش دي بواه 30، تب سيبيرلونيا.

مقلاع نظام التداول.
أفضل نظام التداول دقيقة.
كامبوس الفوركس يوجياكارتا.
بيرنهاه كامو بيركونجونغ كامبوس كامبوس بينسيتاك بينغوساها؟ كامبوس بينسيتاك بينغوساها يوجياكارتا إيتولا سيبوتان بوبولر ترهاداب سيبواه كامبوس يانغ بيرادا دي جالان ماجيلانغ كم 8، ملاتي، سليمان، يوجياكارتا إيني. ستيبانك سيكولا تينغجي إلمو إكونومي بيسنيس دان بانك أبا هوبونغانيا دنغان ناما كامبوس بينسيتاك بينغوساها، ستيبانك أدالا ناما أسلي داري كامبوس إيني سيدانغكان كامبوس يوجياكارتا بينغوساها أدالا توجوانيا. أرتينيا كامبوس سيلين بارا ماهاسوا الفوركس منجادي سرجانا دنغان جيلار يانغ ديدابات جوغا ديتونتوت منجادي بينغوساها سيماسا كوليا هينغغا يوجياكارتا لولوس سوداه بونيا بيسنيس يانغ بيزار. كامبوس بينسيتاك بينغوساها أتاو ستيبانك ميميليكي دوا بروغرام ستودي يايتو S1 ماناجيمن دان S1 أكونتانزي. بيدانيا كيلاس باجي دان كيلاس ملام أبا؟ كيلاس باجي بوات كامو يانغ ميمانغ تيداك تيرلالو سيبوك دينغان بيكيرجان أتاو بينارارينار إنجين كوليا إلياس تيداك سيدانغ بيكيرجا ديواكتو يانغ سما يايتو باجي هاري، سيمنتارا ونتوك كيلاس مالام ديسيدياكان باجي كامو يانغ سوداه سيبوك بيجيرجا أتاو سيبوك بانجيت سما أوروسان بيسنيس دي باجي هاري، سيهينغا أونتو بيسا مينمب إلمو تنتانغ كامبوس في سن المراهقة إيني كامو بيسا أمبيل كيلاس ملام. كوليا دي كامبوس بينسيتاك بينغوساها يوجياكارتا إيني كامو بينار-بينار أكان ميندابكان بانياك هال تنتانغ إلمو بيسنيس، كارينا ديسانا كامو أكان دي بيمبينغ لانغسونغ أولي باروس دوسن أكاديميسي دان براكتيسي يانغ سوداه بيربنغالامان كامبوس الشرج. كامو جوغا أكان ميميليكي بانياك جارينغان داري كالانغان بينغوساها دي إندونيسيا، كارينا كامبوس بينسيتاك بينغوساها إيني أدا بروغرام مانداتانغكان بارا بينغوساها سوكسيس أونتوك بيرباجي بينغالامان سيرتا سياب ميموريكان لينك بيسنيس أونتوك بارا ماهاسيسوا يانغ فوريكس دي كامبوس بينسيتاك بينغوسا يوغياكارتا إيني. سواسانا دان لينغكونغان، كيتا تاهو باهوسانيا صلاح ساتو يانغ ممبنتوك سيسورانغ منجادي بينغساها أدالا لينغكونغانيا. والاو أوالنيا كامو سما سيكالي تيداك بونيا باسيك تنتانغ دنيا بيسنيس يوغياكارتا دنغان بانياك بيرغول ساما بارا كامبوس ماكا ميندسيت كامو جوغا أكان تيربنتوك، سيهينغغا تيداك هيران جيكا بيركاكابان سيهاري-هاري بارا ماهاسيسوا دي كامبوس الفقرة بينغوساها ستيبانك إني هانيالا بيربينكانغان تنتانغ بيسنيس، كارينا كامو تيداك أكان يوغياكارتا أدا غوراوان برنادا سوال باكار أتاو سيابا كووك دن سيويك كامو ديسانا. ترسيديا جوغا بانياك بيسيسوا يانغ بيسا كامو داباتكان كيتيكا كوليا دي كامبوس ستيببانك، تنتونيا بيسيسوا كوليا بيسا كامو داباتكان دنغان سيارات دان كيتنتوان يانغ بيرلاكو. كيجياتان ماهاسيسوا دي كامبوس بينغوسا إيني جوغا سيموا هال يانغ أدا كايتانيا دنغان دونيا بيسنيس أتاو وييروساها، بهكان أورغانيساسي جوغا أكامو أكان بيلاجار باغيمانا بيرورغانيساسي يانغ بيك ألا بنغوسا سلام منغورغانيسير بيروسهان. سوال بيايا كوليا ديكامبوس بينغوساها جوجيا إيني جوغا كامو تيداك بيرلو كواتير، كارينا كوليا ديكامبوس إيني سانغاتلا مورا إلياس تيرجانغكاو، سيهينغغا كيتيكا كامو كوليا ديسيني سيلين هاروس بيسا بيسنيس أتاو بونيا فوريكس سينديري مستاهيل بيلا تيداك مامبو مينكاري دايا أونتوك بيايا كوليا كامو سينديري يانغ سانغات تيرجانغكاو دي كامبوس ستيببانك إيني، كيكالي كالو كامو ميمانغ فوريكس سيريوس أونتو ماو بيلاجار بيسنيس دان هانيا إنجين كامبوس ساجا، ماكا هاسيلنيا جوغا هانيا سيباتاس أوساها كامو. أدا بانياك هال لينيا يانغ منجيديكان كامبوس بينسيتاك بينغوسا إيني سيباغاي بيليهان يانغ فوريكس باجي كامو يانغ بينار - بينار إنجين منجادي بينغوساها يانغ سارجانا أتاو سارجانا يانغ بينغوساها. أونك ليبي جيلاسنيا كامو سانغات ديبيربوليكان داتانغ لانغسونغ كي كامبوس ستيببانك إيني أتاو بيزا مولاي ميمبلاجاري سيبوتار كامبوس بينسيتاك الفوركس يوهياكارتا إيني لانغسونغ بيركونجونغ كي سيتوس ريسمينيا دي: بيسنيس المالية التسويق بروبيرتي ستارتوب مهنة التوجيه رجل الأعمال موتيفاسي كيساه توكوه ليفيستيل الترفيه أزياء كيسهاتان الحب السفر التكنولوجيا أبليكاسي أداة كومبوتر أوتوموتيف علوم الإنترنت نصائح أخبار الدولية كابار أولاراغا كابار بوليتيك. كيريم أرتيكيل دافتار إيسي فيديو توليسان ساهبات لينيا أرتيكيل بيباس إنجليش أرتيكل إسلامي بنجرتيان كاتا. إنيلا 11 دافتار وسيط الفوركس تيربيركايا. باجي بيمولا، كينالي بينجرتيان سهم دان جينيسنيا بيريكوت إيني. إينيلا 7 هال بينتينغ دلام مينوليس كف لاماران كيرجا. مينغاروكان، كيساه تيغا باليتا كيمبار مينكاري إيبونيا! كيسا سينتا مينغاروكان سيباسانغ كيكاسيه دي أمبانغ بيرسيرايان. جانغان سامباي كريسيس أخلاك يانغ بيك أجار ليبيه كامبوس برهاسيل. بيلاجار كيسيردرنان داري بينديري بيسانترن جونتور. نصائح أمان دان نيمان ممباوا دسلر سعت السفر. تيمبات ويساتا تيربوبولر دي إندونيسيا يانغ واجيب ديكونجونجي تاهون كولينر أونيك دي بوجور، باكسو بيراناك يانغ هاروس كامو كوبا. بوديا سيكسوال أنيه دي جيبانغ إيني أكان ممبوات أندا تيركيجوت. بيرا هارجا تويوتا آل نيو سينتا؟ تيموكان جوابانيا دي سيني. ديسكون جيلا-جيلان درون دي برومو توكار كادو إس. إد سولوسي تمبات بيلي ميسين كوسي بيركواليتاس بيسا مجانا يوجياكارتا. إيني 5 كيونتونغان بيلانجا على الانترنت يانغ البيكين بيلانجا ماكين همات. استعراض ميديافينوس - كارا تيربيك مينغاسيلكان يانغ داري الإعلانات المحلية. ليانان الأمازون خدمة ويب تومبانغ، تيلكومزيغما بيربيلوانغ نيك. بيرثاتيكان 5 نصائح إيني سعت مينكاري روما كونتراكان مورا. إينيلا 10 نصائح مينينغكاتكان بيفورما فون نموذج لاما. منجيوتكان، ريدو روما ديتانغكاب كارينا منغكونسومسي سابو. ديلوار دوغان، بينديتا يانغ سيرينغ نجيسي خوتباه دي جيريجا إيني ترتاغكاب .... أوال مولا فينومينا أوم تلوليت أوم هنتر هينغغا مندونيا. الصفحة الرئيسية بدء التشغيل رجل الأعمال ستيبانك: كامبوس بينسيتاك بينغوساها دي يوجياكارتا بيليهان تيربيك بات كامو يانغ كامبوس بينسيتاك بينغوساها يوجياكارتا تيمباتنيا الفقرة بينغوساها يوجياكارتا بيلاجار بانياك هال تنتانغ دنيا بيسنيس كامبوس بينسيتاك بينغوساها يوجياكارتا بيرناهكا كامو بيركونجونغ كه كامبوس بينسيتاك بينغوساها؟ المادة السابقة 4 إيديا أوساها يانغ بيسا كامو جالاني سامبيل ميمبانغون بيركارير. المقال التالي إنيلا 3 ماكانان يانغ الفوركس منغورانجي كواليتاس تيدور أندا. تيتابلا لاكوكان يانغ تربايك هاري إيني، كارينا كيتا تيداك أكان بيرنا تاهو أباكاه إسوك هاري ماسيه بيسا ميلاكوكان كبير الثدي. ريسكي رحماديانتي ميمباجيكان تيبس سوكسس جالانكان بيسنيس أونلين ألا مومبرينور. كارا سكسيس بيسنيس ديتنغاه كيتاتنيا بيرسيانغان ألا جيمس ريدي. مثل صفحة الفيسبوك لدينا مجانا. إينيلا 5 جام تانغان ترماهال دي دنيا يونيو 8، بينجيلاسان ماركيتينغ ميكس برودوك مارس يوجياكارتا، الفوركس بيسنيس كوسميتيك مشروط كيسيل أونتونغ بيزار سبتمبر 30، إنيلا 11 دافتار وسيط الفوركس كامبوس يونيو 20، نصائح أمان دان نيمان ميماوا دسلر سعت السفر يونيو 1، باجي بيمولا، كينالي بنجرتيان سهم دان جينيسنيا بيريكوت إيني يوجياكارتا 24، من نحن اتصل ريداكسي تنويه سياسة الخصوصية حكم الموقع.
نور سيجيت كاهيو، ديركتور بت كاهايا فوريكس Yogyakarta. m4a.
3 الأفكار على & لدكو؛ كامبوس الفوركس يوجياكارتا و رديقو؛
أنافورا له تأثير إشراك جمهورك في تجربة عاطفية معينة.
وخلافا لك، هؤلاء الناس لديهم العمود الفقري للاعتراف بما فعلوه خطأ وتريد تغيير.
تلك الروح النادرة الأخرى، جيويت، بدا بعيدا، وكان المنزل مليئا بأشياءها.

ماهاسيسوا التاجر.
ماهاسيسوا جوغا بيزا الربح.
ماهاسيسوا جوغا منغاسيلكان.
أتاو أبابون ستاتوس أندا !!
إنجين بونيا بيسنيس سينديري؟
تاهوكاه باهوا يانغ كيتا بونيا أبابيلا تيداك دي إنفستاسيكان، ماكا ساتو كيباستيان، يايتو هابيس، نامون أبابيلا دينفستاسيكان، ماكا أدا دوا كيباستيان، يايتو هابيس أتاو سيماكين بيرتامباه.
إيني ديا إنفستاسي، بيسنيس ماسا كيني، فورين إكسهانج (فوريكس)، يانغ كيتا بوتوهكان هانيا كونكسي إنترنيت، ماكا كيتا سياب بيربنغاسيلان.
هفوة البونيا مشروط؟
ماسالا مودال إيتو هال غامبانغ، أسال أدا كيماوان باستي سوكسيس. ماهاسيسوا، ماري كيتا سوكسيس.
إضافة لي على _ bruzahakraz08 @ ياهو.
مشروط حر تانبا باتاس.
ميلانجوتكان بوستينغان سيبلومنيا، ماكا إيني توتوريال ونتوك دابات مشروط حر تانبا باتاس، هانيا دنغان نشر كاس-سيس-كوز ماكا أكان ديبايار سيتيب نشر يانغ بيك، دان أكان ماسوك كي حساب التداول تياب بولانيا ،.
الخطوة بيرتاما: كليك ديسيني أتاو كليك أجا بانر يانغ أدا دي كولوم برعاية، ماكا أكان دي باوا كي تمبات ريجيستراسي، يا تينغغال إيسيكان أجا ماو أوزرنام، باسورد، إمايل، لينغكابي ساجا سيموانيا، سيتيلا كومبليت سينت أغري دان كليك تسجيل كامل، سيك إمايل دان كليك لينك كونفيرماسينيا. Selesai.
خطوة كيدوا: سيتيلا دافتار نغابين. تنتونيا نشر دونغ بيار دابات بونوسنيا، غمانا كارانيا. سيتيلاه لوجين دنغان أوزرنام دان باسورد، ماكا أدا بانياك كاتيغوري يانغ بيسا دي بيليه أونتوك سومبانغ كومنتار، بينامباكانيا سيبيرتي دي بواه إيني ،.

لوونغان كيرجا بت. مونيكس إنفستيندو المستقبل، يوجياكارتا.
PT. مونيكس إنفستيندو فيوتشرز ميروباكان صلاح ساتو بيروساهان بيالانغ سهم تربيزار دي إندونيسيا يانغ بيرجيراك بيلام بيدانغ بيرداغانغان بيرجانغكا إندكس، فوريكس، سيرتا كوموديتي أسينغ. سات إني ميمبتوهكان سورانغ كارياوان أونتوك بوسيسي:
بريا / وانيتا أومور ماكسيمال 30tahun بنديديكان D3 / S1 سيموا جوروسان بيربنامبيلان ميناريك سيرتا كومونيكاتيف تيربياسا دنغان سيستم تارجيت ميمبونياي موتيفاسي يانغ تينغجي بيلام بيجيرجا، بانتانغ منيرا سيرتا بروفيزيونال منغاساي إنترنيت دان كومبوتر بيردوميسيلي دي ديرة يوجياكارتا دان سيكيتارنيا ميميليكي ريلاسي يانغ لواس.
بينغاسيلان تينغجي بيربولانيا كوميسي / مكافأة جينجانغ كارير بيرتينكات دان سيبات تونجانجان راتب باغي يانغ بيربرستاسي أكسيس إنترنت هوتسبوت دان لان 24jam كانتور لواس، نيمان سيرتا بير أس دعم إدارة مدرب يانغ هاندال بيكيرجا سيكارا تيم.
التقييم: 100٪ على أساس 99998 التقييم. 5 تعليقات من المستخدمين.
تيريماكاسيه سوداه بيركونجونغ، سيموجا إنفورماسي يانغ كامي سامبايكان بيرمانفات أونتوك أندا.

كيف يرتبط معدل نمو الناتج المحلي الإجمالي بعائدات سوق الأسهم.
نحن نستخدم الكوكيز لتعطيك أفضل تجربة ممكنة على الانترنت. إذا تابعت، سنفترض أنك راض عن متصفح الويب الخاص بك لتلقي جميع ملفات تعريف الارتباط من موقعنا على الانترنت. راجع سياسة ملفات تعريف الارتباط للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات حول ملفات تعريف الارتباط وكيفية إدارتها.
مزيد من المعلومات سعر السهم. لقد بذلنا كل جهد ممكن للحفاظ على موقعنا على الانترنت خالية من المصطلحات، ولكن ندرك أن بعض التعبيرات قد تحتاج إلى مزيد من التوضيح. ويهدف هذا المسرد لمساعدتك على فهم بعض المصطلحات المستخدمة في التأمين والاستثمار والخدمات المالية الأعمال. يتم دفع مبلغ إضافي بموجب بوليصة تأمين على الحياة إذا كان الوفاة ناتجا عن حادث.
وعادة ما يكون المبلغ الإضافي مساويا للقيمة الاسمية للسياسة. المعروف أيضا باسم "تعويض مزدوج". الزيادة في قيمة الأصل على مدى فترة زمنية بطريقة يمكن التنبؤ بها أو محددة سلفا. عكس الإطفاء. تم تحقيق الربح المحقق للاعتراف بالأرباح كما يتم اكتسابها على مدى عمر بوليصة التأمين.
يتم تحقيق الربح المحقق من الربح التشغيلي بالإضافة إلى الفروقات الاستثمارية والتغيرات في الافتراضات الاقتصادية وأي بنود استثنائية. وتعكس القيمة احلالية للعمل اجلاري وصافي قيمة عمليات االدخار طويلة األجل، املعدلة لألرباح املدفوعة أو الرأسمالية املعاد استثمارها. انظر أيضا القيمة المضمنة. أسلوب إدارة الاستثمار حيث يسعى مدير الصندوق إلى تحسين العائدات أو تقليل التكاليف باستخدام خبراتهم في اختيار الأسهم أو السندات لشراء وبيع. على العكس من الإدارة السلبية، حيث يهدف المدير إلى مطابقة أداء السوق أو مؤشر من خلال تكرار تكوين هذا السوق أو مؤشر في أموالهم.
شخص يستخدم الرياضيات التطبيقية على وجه الخصوص، احتمال لتقديم حلول للمشاكل المتعلقة بالتأمين. يتم استخدام التقنيات الاكتوارية لتصميم منتجات تأمين جديدة وتقييم ربحية الأعمال الجديدة والقائمة. إدارة الشركة بطريقة تسعى إلى زيادة قيمة كل حصة من المساهمين في الشركة. تقدير للأرباح المستقبلية التي ستظهر على المدى المتبقي من جميع سياسات الحياة والمعاشات الحالية التي يتم دفع أقساط التأمين أو دفعت في تاريخ الميزانية العمومية.
المساهمات الإضافية التي يدفعها عضو في نظام المعاشات التقاعدية المهنية لتوفير الاستحقاقات التقاعدية، بالإضافة إلى استحقاقات المخطط الرئيسي. شراء وبيع الأوراق المالية بعد الإغلاق الرسمي للأعمال التجارية في قاعة التداول في البورصة. وكانت هذه المعاملات محفوظة مرة واحدة للمستثمرين من المؤسسات، ولكن الآن يمكن للمستثمرين من القطاع الخاص أيضا المشاركة.
يتم تداول الأسهم بعد ساعات على أنظمة الكمبيوتر التي تطابق المشترين والبائعين لتنفيذ الصفقات. سماسرة الأوراق المالية الذين يذهبون إلى سوق الأسهم نيابة عن العملاء للحصول على أفضل سعر ممكن لبيع أو شراء الأسهم.
فرد أو شركة مخولة للقيام بعمليات نيابة عن شركة أخرى، مثل بيع وثائق التأمين. وكثيرا ما يكسب الوكلاء عمولة أو رسم على بيع سياسة. وقد تكون مرتبطة بشركة معينة وتقدم مجموعة محدودة من المنتجات.
التي أطلقتها بورصة لندن في سوقا للشركات الصغيرة، المتنامية ليست كبيرة بما فيه الكفاية لدخول السوق الرسمية قائمة السوق الرئيسية. صك قابل للتداول صادر عن بنك إيداع يثبت ملكية الأسهم في شركة منظمة خارج الولايات المتحدة. ويمثل كل بند من بنود تسوية المنازعات البديلة عددا محددا من الأسهم العادية الأساسية في شركة غير أمريكية إيداع لدى أمين الحفظ في السوق المحلية المعمول بها.
يتم تسعير أدرس وتداولها بالدولار الأمريكي في سوق الأوراق المالية الأمريكية وتوزع أرباح الأسهم على حاملي الدولار الأمريكي. ويدل على ذلك إيداع الإيداع الأمريكية أدرادس تمثل الأسهم العادية على الودائع في المملكة المتحدة. وتتيح حصة أدس للمساهمين المسجلين الحق في تلقي أرباح بالدولار الأمريكي وحضور اجتماعات المساهمين والتصويت على المسائل الهامة.
مصطلح المحاسبة عادة ما يستخدم لوصف التخفيض المنهجي في قيمة الأصل غير الملموس بسبب استخدامه مع مرور الوقت. إذا تم إطفاء شيء ما، يتم شطبه. إذا كان السبب لا يرتبط فقط مع الوقت، يوصف تأثير الاستهلاك. شخص من ذوي الخبرة في البحث في أسواق الأسهم والشركات والاستثمارات المالية الذين سيتم تحليل وتفسير نتائج هذا البحث لتقديم توصيات للمستثمرين المؤسسي والتجزئة لشراء أو بيع أو الاحتفاظ استثماراتها في الأسهم والأسهم.
معظم المحللين متخصصون في صناعة واحدة أو قطاع الأعمال. انظر أيضا المحلل من جانب شراء والمحلل بيع الجانب. اجتماع المساهمين يجب أن يعقد مرة واحدة في السنة للموافقة على التقرير والحسابات والتوزيعات النهائية للسهم الواحد، والتصويت على أي اقتراحات مثل إعادة انتخاب أعضاء مجلس الإدارة.
المعدل الحقيقي للفائدة المدفوعة على القرض. ويعبر عن ذلك بمعدل سنوي، على الرغم من أنه عادة ما يتم دفعه شهريا.
طريقة لحساب مستويات الحياة والمعاشات التقاعدية والاستثمار مستويات الأعمال الجديدة، لتسهيل تأثير المدفوعات الكبيرة، لمرة واحدة. في الوقت الحاضر، سوف أفيفا تقرير الحياة والمعاشات التقاعدية الأعمال الجديدة باستخدام كل من يب والقيمة الحالية لأقساط الأعمال الجديدة. وثيقة تصدر مرة واحدة في السنة من قبل الشركة للإبلاغ عن مركزها المالي. ويطلب من الشركات المدرجة في البورصة إصدار تقرير سنوي إلى جميع المساهمين.
كلمة أخرى ل "المعاش". والمبلغ السنوي هو دفعة منتظمة من شركة تأمين مصممة لإعطاء حامل الوثيقة دخل الحياة بعد التقاعد.
يتم دفعها عن طريق مبلغ مقطوع يتم توفيره خلال فترة عمل صاحب البوليصة. وتستند معدلات الأقساط السنوية إلى العائد على الأوراق المالية المذهبة في وقت الشراء. وعند الوفاة، تصبح أي استثمارات متبقية عادة ملكا للموفر السنوي. تقنية يستخدمها المستثمرون لتحقيق ربح من الأسعار الصغيرة أو تغيرات الغلة في الأسواق المختلفة. وهو ينطوي على شراء الأوراق المالية أو المنتجات بسعر معين في بلد واحد أو العملة أو السوق وبيع في آخر بسعر أعلى.
الشخص الذي يمارس المراجحة هو التحكيم. أي شيء ذي قيمة يملكه نشاط تجاري يمكن تحديده مقابل التزاماته. وتنقسم الأصول عادة إلى أربعة أنواع: عملية تقسيم الاستثمارات بين أنواع مختلفة من الأوراق المالية، مثل الأسهم والسندات والممتلكات والنقدية.
وتعكس الخيارات المتخذة أهداف الاستثمار وموقفه من المخاطر. جميع الأصول - الأسهم والسندات والممتلكات والنقد - تدار من قبل الشركة، بما في ذلك الأموال المحتفظ بها نيابة عن أطراف ثالثة. مصطلح يستخدم أحيانا بدلا من "التأمين"، عموما في اتصال مع الحياة التجارية، لأن الضمان يعني يقين من حدث مثل الوفاة والتأمين فقط الاحتمال. أما المعاملات المالية الصافية للبلد مع البلدان الأخرى فتظهر ميزان الواردات مقابل الصادرات.
بيان يوضح المركز المالي للشركة في تاريخ محدد بإدراج موجوداتها ما تملكه ومطلوباتها من مطالبات على أصولها أو ما يدين بها. تأسس البنك المركزي البريطاني في شارع "ثريدنيدل" في لندن ومقره منذ تأسيسه استقلالا تشغيليا مستمرا في مسؤولياته الرئيسية وهو تحقيق الاستقرار النقدي واستقرار الأسعار.
وكجزء من هذا الدور يحدد سعر الفائدة الرسمي. كما أنها مسؤولة الآن عن تنظيم الخدمات المالية.
شرط تعلن فيه المحكمة عجز شخص أو شركة لا تستطيع الوفاء بالتزاماتها المالية. وبعد تسليم جميع أصولهم إلى أمين معين من قبل المحكمة، لم يعد من المتوقع أن يدفعوا ديونهم. مدة سوق الأسهم لبيع أو شراء الأسهم.
وهذا لا يعني بالضرورة أن الصفقة تمت بسعر مناسب. هذه هي التوصيات المتعلقة بالقوانين واللوائح المصرفية الصادرة عن لجنة بازل للرقابة المصرفية. معدل الفائدة الأساسي الذي حدده بنك انجلترا والذي يحدد تكلفة اقتراض المال في المملكة المتحدة.
وتستخدم المصارف التجارية هذه النقطة كنقطة مرجعية عند حساب رسوم الإقراض الخاصة بها ومعدلات الرهن العقاري والفائدة على حسابات الادخار. انظر أيضا سعر الخصم. وهذا مصطلح شائع الاستخدام في الخدمات المالية لإجراء الحسابات المالية. المستثمر الذي يتوقع أن تنخفض أسعار الأسهم أو، بشكل أعم، لديه توقعات متشائمة حول السوق.
سوق الدب هو فترة هبوط أسعار الأسهم. وعادة ما يكون مؤشر سوق الأسهم، على سبيل المثال، مؤشر فتس الذي يقارن صندوق الاستثمار بين أدائه ومزيج الأصول. الشخص أو المؤسسة أو العقار الذي يتلقى، أو قد يصبح مؤهلا للحصول على، يستفيد من إرادة، وثيقة التأمين، خطة التقاعد أو أي عقد آخر.
الفرق بين عرض سعر الشراء وعرض سعر البيع للوحدات في الاستثمار. متوسط ​​السعر هو نقطة الوسط بين الاثنين وغالبا ما يكون السعر المعروض في الصحف. تحرير سوق لندن للأوراق المالية الذي عقد في 27 أكتوبر أدى إلى تغيير كامل في هيكل السوق وأدخل نظام أسعار الأسعار الآلي.
وأدت التغييرات إلى إنهاء رسوم العمولات الثابتة، وسمحت للمؤسسات مثل المصارف وشركات التأمين بامتلاك شركات تابعة للصرافة، وألغت الفصل بين "الوسطاء" و "أصحاب العمل". قبل الانفجار الكبير، كانت الأسواق "مصنوعة" من قبل المقاولين الذين اشتروا وبيعوا الأسهم بناء على طلبهم فقط مع وسطاء الوكالة - سماسرة الأوراق المالية الذين يدخلون السوق نيابة عن العملاء للحصول على أفضل سعر ممكن لبيع أو شراء الأسهم.
في المملكة المتحدة، وهو اسم يستخدم تقليديا لوصف أربعة أكبر البنوك في الشوارع العليا: هسك، لويدز، باركليز وبنك اسكتلندا الملكي. وقد أدت الاضطرابات المالية والتغييرات في الملكية منذ ذلك الحين إلى تجاوز هذا المصطلح على نحو متزايد. في اليابان، استخدم هذا المصطلح لأكبر دور الأوراق المالية: دايوا، نيكو، نومورا ويامايتشي.
هناك اثنين من الاثنين الأسود في تاريخ سوق الأوراق المالية. وكان هذا هو السبب في يوم الثلاثاء الأسود و كراشوهيتش العظمى بشرت بداية الكساد العظيم. كما انخفضت أسواق الأسهم الرئيسية الأخرى بشكل كبير. في يوم الثلاثاء 29 أكتوبر، يتم تسجيل يوم الثلاثاء الأسود الأسود أحيانا كنقطة بدأ فيها الكساد العظيم. الأربعاء 16 سبتمبر، وهو التاريخ الذي انسحبت المملكة المتحدة من آلية سعر الصرف الأوروبية إرم.
وصف يتم تطبيقه على الشركات الأكبر والأكثر حظا في سوق الأسهم. وعادة ما تعتبر األسهم في هذه الشركات استثمارا موثوقا ومربحا. هيئة صنع القرار مسؤولة قانونا عن الإشراف على إدارة الشركة. في شركة مدرجة يتم انتخاب أعضاء مجلس الإدارة من قبل المساهمين. وعادة ما يكون المديرون التنفيذيون مسؤولين عن إدارة الأعمال اليومية. إن أعضاء مجلس اإلدارة غير التنفيذيين هم خارجيون مستقلون وليس على رواتب الشركة ويقومون عادة بواجباتهم على أساس عدم التفرغ.
السندات هي من الناحية الفنية شهادة الدين المتبادل مقابل قرض من مستثمر. وهي تصدر عن الحكومات والشركات والبنوك والمرافق العامة وغيرها من المنظمات الكبيرة لجمع الأموال.
وغالبا ما يكون للسندات فائدة ثابتة مع تاريخ سداد محدد سلفا، وتعرف أحيانا بأوراق مالية ذات فائدة ثابتة. وتعتبر عموما مخاطر أقل من الاستثمارات القائمة على حقوق الملكية. معدل العائد على سياسة الربحية التي حددها الخبير الاكتواري لشركة التأمين. قد يختلف المعدل من سنة إلى أخرى. تسجيل المعاملات المالية للشركة. أكثر طرق مسك الدفاتر شيوعا هي الدخول المفرد والدخول المزدوج.
المنظم الرئيسي لإصدار جديد للأمن أو السندات، وهي عادة شركة استثمار أو بنك أو وسيط. وتشمل المهام دعوة المشتركين، وتنسيق المخصصات والحفاظ على كتاب الأوراق المالية. المعروف أيضا باسم مدير الرصاص أو الراعي.
استراتيجية الاستثمار التي تعتبر الشركات على أساس الجدارة الخاصة بها، بغض النظر عن اتجاهات الصناعة أو الظروف الاقتصادية. وينطوي هذا النهج على دراسة إدارة الشركة ونموذج أعمالها وآفاق النمو والتاريخ وغيرها من الخصائص. ويعتقد المستثمرون من أسفل إلى أعلى أن بعض الشركات سوف تتفوق على مجموعة النظراء بغض النظر عن الصناعة والظروف الاقتصادية.
مقابل أعلى لأسفل. مزيج من الاسم والرمز والتصميم والسمعة وغيرها من الميزات المستخدمة للتمييز بين شركة واحدة أو منتج من منافسيها. عادة ما يتم تسجيل الأسماء التجارية والشعارات التجارية مع سلطة تنظيمية. وتعتبر العلامات التجارية عوامل هامة في تأسيس وجود في السوق وخلق علاقة مع العملاء. مؤتمر دولي عقد في نيو هامبشاير، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، أسفر عن إنشاء صندوق النقد الدولي والبنك الدولي.
الفرد أو الشركة التي تعمل كوسيط بين المشتري والبائع، عادة فرض عمولة أو رسم. يقوم وسطاء التأمين بترتيب تغطية نيابة عن عملائهم ويمثلون مصالح حامل الوثيقة. منظمة الادخار في المملكة المتحدة التي تتخصص في إقراض المال للشعب لشراء المنازل. انظر أيضا المدخرات والقروض. المستثمر الذي يتوقع أسعار الأسهم في الارتفاع أو، بشكل عام، لديه توقعات متفائلة.
سوق الثور هو فترة ارتفاع أسعار الأسهم. عكس الدب. مصطلح يستخدم لوصف مكان على موقع على شبكة الانترنت حيث يقوم المستثمرون الخاصون بنشر التعليقات وطرح الأسئلة.
يعرف أيضا باسم "لوحة الرسائل" أو "منتدى المستثمرين". الذهب، الفضة، البلاتين أو البلاديوم، في شكل قضبان أو سبائك. بعض البنوك المركزية تستخدم السبائك لتسوية الديون الدولية، وبعض المستثمرين يشترون السبائك كحماية ضد التضخم. البنك المركزي في ألمانيا، ومقرها في فرانكفورت، وجزء لا يتجزأ من النظام الأوروبي للبنوك المركزية.
وهدفها الرئيسي هو الحفاظ على استقرار الأسعار، وضمان التنفيذ المنظم للمدفوعات المحلية وعبر الحدود، والمساهمة في استقرار النظم المصرفية. ويمكن للشركات التي لديها أموال احتياطية للاستثمار أن تقدم إعادة شراء الأسهم من المساهمين، والاستثمار بفعالية في نفسها.
محلل مالي، يستخدم عادة من قبل واحدة من أكبر شركات إدارة الأموال التي تشتري الأوراق المالية على حسابها الخاص وليس للعملاء.
الطريقة التي تمول بها الشركة نفسها، بما في ذلك إصدار الأسهم والاقتراضات طويلة الأجل والأرباح المستبقاة. الأعمال أو المنتج الذي يولد تدفق ثابت وموثوق به من الدخل المربح - يفترض مثل حلب البقرة.
البقرة النقدية هي جزء قيم من شركة متنوعة لأنها يمكن أن تنتج المال اللازم لتمويل مناطق أخرى من المنظمة. النقد المدفوع من قبل أعمالنا للمجموعة عادة في شكل أرباح. يجب عدم الخلط بينه وبين قياس التدفقات النقدية كما هو مبين في التقرير السنوي والحسابات. تغطية أحداث كارثية محددة، مثل الأعاصير، عواصف البرد، الزلازل، الحرائق والفيضانات، التي يمكن أن تسبب خسائر فادحة لأعداد كبيرة من الناس أو الشركات.
مصطلح يستخدم فيما يتعلق بحسابات الادخار الفردية إيساس لإظهار ما إذا كان المنتج يلبي معايير الحكومة البريطانية للحصول على رسوم معقولة، وسهولة الوصول وشروط عادلة. البنك التنظيمي الرئيسي في البلد، التي تسيطر عليها عادة من قبل الحكومة.
ويمكن أن يشمل دورها تحديد أسعار الفائدة، ومالحظة القضية، واإلشراف على البنوك التجارية، وإدارة احتياطيات الصرف، وقيمة العملة الوطنية، وكذلك العمل كمصرف حكومي. ومن الأمثلة على ذلك بنك انكلترا بنك دويتشه الألماني، والبنك المركزي الأوروبي، ومجلس الاحتياطي الاتحادي في الولايات المتحدة.
اختصار للرئيس التنفيذي. الرئيس التنفيذي هو رئيس الشركة ويشرف على التخطيط الاستراتيجي والأنشطة التشغيلية. اختصار لكبير الموظفين الماليين.
المدير المالي هو المسؤول عن الأنشطة المحاسبية والمالية للشركة، وعادة ما يقدم تقارير إلى الرئيس التنفيذي. ممارسة غير قانونية يقوم فيها وكيل المبيعات بإقناع العميل بالنقد في بوليصة تأمين بعد وقت قصير واستبدالها بأخرى، وبالتالي الحصول على عمولة على السياسة الجديدة. إخطار شركة التأمين بدعوة من حامل البوليصة إلى المنافع المستحقة بموجب شروط بوليصة التأمين أو مخطط التأمين.
المصروفات المتكبدة أثناء التحقيق في مطالبة التأمين وتسويتها، علاوة على تكلفة المطالبة نفسها. يمكن أن تشمل الرسوم القانونية وغيرها من الرسوم المهنية. المعروف أيضا باسم نفقات تسوية الخسائر. مجموع المطالبات المتكبدة خلال الفترة المحاسبية، سواء كانت مدفوعة أم لا. المعروف أيضا باسم الخسائر المتكبدة. املطالبات املتكبدة، املعدلة لأية اإعادة تاأمني، معرب عنها كنسبة مئوية من سايف الأقساط املكتسبة.
يشار إليها أحيانا باسم نسبة الخسارة. و كدو هو منتج مالي يجمع الأصول إلى ترتيب جماعي يعرف باسم تجمع الأصول. توفر هذه الموجودات تدفقا نقديا يتم نقله إلى المستثمر. ويطلق عليه التزام الدين لأن الأصول الموجودة في المجموعة هي التزامات دينية مثل السندات والقروض فضلا عن أنواع الرهون العقارية المختلفة.
توفر هذه الضمانات ضمانات أو بعبارة أخرى يمكن استخدامها كوسيلة للحد من مخاطر الاستثمار من خلال وجود أصل أو التزام بحماية المستثمر ه. تدفع كدو قسيمة مثل السندات للمستثمرين وعادة ما يتم تنظيم كدو إلى شرائح التي هي طبقات من مخاطر مختلفة التي تباع للمستثمرين.
إن الشرائح ذات الشرائح الصغیرة ذات المخاطر الأعلی تعطي أعلی عوائد، ولکنھا أیضا من المرجح أن تعاقب المستثمر إذا بدأت مجموعة الأصول في التخلف عن السداد.
شرائح أقل مخاطر شرائح كبار الحصول على كوبونات أصغر ولكن على حد سواء تتأثر فقط عندما أفضل الأصول الجودة في التجمع تبدأ التخلف الذي هو أقل احتمالا. هو مقياس مالي لربحية التأمين التأمينية التي تعبر عن إجمالي تكاليف المطالبات والعمولات والنفقات كنسبة مئوية من الأقساط. دفع إلى بائع أو وكيل أو وسيط آخر، عادة في مقابل بيع التأمين أو سياسة الاستثمار.
منظمة تجارية لها وجود قانوني منفصل من أصحابها. وهذه الشركة أو المؤسسة قد تكون "مدمجة"، مما يعطيها الحق في امتلاك الأصول والتصرف كما لو كانت شخصا. إذا كان أصحاب المسؤولية المحدودة معروفة باسم شركة محدودة. إذا كان مدرجا في البورصة، فإن أسهمه قد يتم شراؤها وبيعها من قبل الجمهور.
وإذا كانت الملكية مقيدة، فإنها تعرف عادة باسم شركة خاصة. شرط العمل وفقا للمبادئ التوجيهية القانونية أو التنظيمية. في صناعة الخدمات المالية، تأتي قواعد الامتثال الأكثر أهمية من هيئة التنظيم الحصيفة وسلطة السلوك المالي برا و فكا في المملكة المتحدة ولجنة الأوراق المالية والبورصات في الولايات المتحدة. معظم شركات الخدمات المالية لديها فرق الامتثال التي يتمثل دورها في ضمان أن الشركة تتبع جميع القواعد واللوائح اللازمة.
مؤشر التضخم الذي يقيس النسبة المئوية للتغير في تكلفة "سلة" تمثيلية من المنتجات والخدمات التي يشتريها متوسط ​​الأسرة. يعرف أحيانا باسم مؤشر تكلفة المعيشة. انظر الرقم القياسي المنسق لأسعار المستهلك. يشير إلى ترتيب في المملكة المتحدة حيث يساهم الناس في خطة التقاعد المرتبطة بالأرباح الدولة سيربس من خلال دفع كامل معدل التأمين الوطني.
يصف الموظف أو صاحب العمل في المملكة المتحدة الذي يختار تقديم مخصصات المعاشات التقاعدية البديلة في خطة شخصية أو شركة بدلا من استخدام الدولة المعاشات التقاعدية ذات الصلة مخطط التقاعد. ضمان يدفع سعر فائدة ثابت صادر عن شركة، ويمكن تحويله في أوقات معينة وفي ظل شروط معينة إلى أسهم في تلك الشركة.
مصطلح يستخدم لوصف الطريقة التي يتم بها تقاسم الحقوق والمسؤوليات في عالم الأعمال. على وجه الخصوص، كيفية إدارة الشركات، بما في ذلك هيكل المجالس، واجبات المديرين، والمكافآت التنفيذية، وكيف ومتى يتم تقاسم المعلومات الهامة مع السوق.
ويمكن تحديد المعايير من قبل الهيئات القانونية والتنظيم الذاتي ومدونات أفضل الممارسات. مصطلح يستخدم لوصف كيفية قياس الشركات لمعايير السلوك التجاري والتعامل مع قضايا مثل الاستدامة والإدارة البيئية وحقوق الإنسان والعلاقات مع المجتمعات المحلية والعملاء والموردين والموظفين والصحة والسلامة في العمل. المعروف أيضا باسم المسؤولية الاجتماعية للشركات سكوركوربورات المواطنة، والأعمال التجارية المسؤولة والأداء الاجتماعي للشركات.
A sudden collapse in the market price of stocks and shares, currencies or commodities. Credit is the ability often legally captured in a contract that allows a person or business to obtain a good or service now with a promise to pay for that good or service at a later date.
A tradable financial instrument which insures against payment default. The buyer of a credit default swap pays a premium for effectively insuring against a debt payment default.
A measure of the ability of an individual, organisation or country to repay debt. The highest rating is normally AAA, and the lowest D. These are normally issued by a credit rating agency or credit bureau. The difference in the yield between two bonds of similar maturity but different credit quality.
The Swedish bond would be offering a credit spread of basis points. A method used by governments to limit the amount of credit or the amount of borrowing in the economy, designed to reduce inflation by controlling growth in the money supply. One example is an increase in interest rates.
Centralised settlement system for securities traded on the London Stock Exchange. You can choose to hold your money in notes and coins or as an electronic record in a bank account.
Similarly, you can hold your stocks and shares in an electronic account in Crest rather than in physical form with certificates. A life insurance policy with the benefits payable on diagnosis of one of a number of specified medical conditions. When funds are invested in overseas currencies or stock markets, the value of the investment can go up and down in line with movements in currency exchange rates.
This risk is an extra factor for investors to consider. Death of a member of a company pension scheme before their retirement date, while still employed by the company. A fixed interest security issued by a company or government agency, usually secured on its assets, with a long-term redemption repayment date between 10 and 40 years ahead.
If a company goes bust, debenture stockholders are first in line to be repaid before the other stockholders and shareholders. An annuity or pension due to be paid from a future date or when the policyholder reaches a specified age. A deferred annuity may be funded by the policyholder by payment of a series of regular contributions or by a capital sum. A pension scheme that set out the benefits payable to members irrespective of any contributions paid or investment gains made.
An example is a final salary pension schemewhere payments are calculated as a proportion of the member's earnings at or near the date of retirement. A pension plan where the benefits depend on the amount and frequency of contributions paid into the scheme, the investment gain on those contributions, and annuity rates at the time of retirement. The exact amount of pension will not be known until retirement. Also known as a money purchase scheme. A general fall in price levels.
Often caused by a reduction in the supply of money or credit, or by a reduction in spending by government or consumers. A fall in the price of one particular type of good is not deflation.
The process by which a mutual organisation owned by its members, such as a building society or insurance company, converts to a public limited company owned by its shareholders. For example, Norwich Union demutualised and floated on the London Stock Exchange in A person who depends upon another for financial support. A child is normally a dependant at least until reaching the age of UK regulatory change in the long-term savings market by which financial advisers have greater freedom to sell products from a wider choice of suppliers.
A bank that holds American depositary shares and sells them to US investors. Four major commercial banks provide depositary bank services in the US: JPMorgan, Citibank, Deutsche Bank and the Bank of New York Mellon.
Reduction in the worth of an asset in a company's accounts to reflect its loss of value through age and use. A period during which business activity drops significantly. High unemployment rates and deflation often accompany a depression. The instrument could be an asset such as equity or commodity prices, could be a financial variable such as interest rates or a non-financial variable such as temperature or the price of orange juice. Fixed or variable amounts collected automatically from a bank account for premiums, investment contributions and other regular payments.
When the market price of a newly issued share is lower than its issue price it is said to be trading at a discount. The opposite of premium. The rate at which the US Federal Reserve will lend short-term funds. The bank rates of most countries are known as the discount rate. In the UK it is known as the base rate. For an investor, a method of reducing exposure to risk by investing in a range of sectors and financial products. For an insurer, it involves offsetting or counterbalancing risks across business lines, geographies, etc.
This can free up some of the capital reserves that would otherwise be necessary to cover the insurer's individual commitments. An amount based on a company's profits paid out to shareholders for each share they hold. Usually paid as cash, but they can also take the form of stock or other property. UK dividends are usually paid twice a year: US dividends are paid quarterly.
An accounting technique that records each transaction as both a credit and a debit. The credit entries show the source of the financing, and the debit entries represent the use of that finance. Since each credit has one or more corresponding debits and vice versadouble-entry bookkeeping always results in a set of "balanced ledger" accounts. The Dow Jones Industrial Average index covers 30 of the biggest blue chip stocks quoted on the New York Stock Exchange.
Established init is the oldest and most widely quoted of US stock market indicators. The withdrawal of money from an account or fund established for a specific purpose. A type of auction where the asking price of an item is gradually lowered until the first bid is made. The item is sold to the first bidder at that price. The name comes from 17th century flower auctions in the Netherlands.
Stopping work and beginning to draw a pension before normal retirement date. An early retirement pension is usually lower than the pension payable at normal retirement date because it is expected to be paid for longer.
Premium payments received by an insurer for cover provided during the current accounting period. Premiums received for future insurance coverage are known as unearned premiums. Another word for profit. Broadly calculated as revenues minus costs, operating expenses and taxes, minority interests, extraordinary items and dividends on preference stock.
Companies often use a weighted average of shares outstanding over the reporting term. Alignment of economic and monetary systems among European Union member countries to enable the introduction of a single currency, the euro.
The assets that a company needs to ensure that its realistic balance sheet stays solvent, over a certain period of time. A financial performance measure used to evaluate a company's true profit and the creation of wealth for shareholders. The reduction in cost per unit that results from increased production, achieved through operational efficiencies. A way of measuring the current value of future profits. Embedded value represents the total of the profits expected to emerge in the future and the net assets already invested in the business.
See also European embedded value. Developing economies such as those in Latin America and Asia that do not have a long history of equity investment and stable, reliable returns. Speculative investors prepared to accept a higher level of risk see such markets as having attractive potential for rapid growth.
See also mature markets. A policy combining life assurance and investment under which the sum assured is paid at a pre-agreed date, or on the death of the policyholder if earlier. A common use for this type of policy is the repayment of a mortgage loan. Another word for " share ". Funds that invest in companies that are environmentally friendly or are not connected with the tobacco, alcohol or arms industries.
The European Union's single currency. Introduced in and went into general circulation on 1 January in 12 out of 15 member countries of the EU as part of economic and monetary union. These countries form the eurozone. This is an international bond that is issued and traded outside the country of the bonds currency denomination. A short-term promissory note issued by borrowers to support a debt, generally with a maturity period of three or six months, and negotiable like a certificate of deposit.
A promissory note is an unconditional undertaking made by the borrower to pay a certain sum on demand or at a fixed date in the future.
Bank which sets monetary policy for the eurozone. Founded in and based in Frankfurt, Germany. Embedded value is a way of measuring the current value to shareholders of the future profits from a life and pensions business.
EEV was launched in May by the CFO Forum which represents chief financial officers of the biggest European insurers as an improvement on the achieved profit method used to calculate embedded value results. EEV reports the value of business written based on a set of realistic assumptions, allowing for the impact of uncertainty in future investment returns, and so is designed to provide a more accurate reflection of the performance of long-term savings business.
The collective name for the European-wide financial services regulators — the European Banking Authority, European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority.
Established inprovides oversight of risks to the financial system of the European Union. Economic association of 25 European countries aiming to create a single free-trade market for products and services across national borders. Fifteen existing members - Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the UK - were joined by another 10 states in May Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.
See also economic and monetary union. A transaction shown in a company's profit and loss account that is not expected to happen again. The rate at which one currency may be converted into another. Often quoted as an indicator of the relative strength of a currency or the attractiveness of the market in which it is used. Forerunner of the European Union's single currency, the euro, by which member countries committed to maintain the value of their currencies within agreed limits in relation to other currencies.
These are investment funds that are listed can be traded on stock exchanges. They are bought and sold during any given trading day. The ex-dividend date is the time when the registrar of a company draws up the list of shareholders who qualify for a dividend payment. To receive the dividend you must hold a share before it goes ex-dividend. For a period before the dividend is paid, usually about six weeks, the share price is quoted as "ex-dividend" or "xd".
If you sell your shares in this period you will still be entitled to the dividend payment, but the buyer will not. Where a customer has either received no financial advice, or has received financial advice but has decided to ignore it, and wishes to take out a policy on their own instruction.
Expenses associated with running an insurance business, such as commission, professional fees and other administrative costs, expressed as a percentage of premiums. Also the annual operating costs of an investment fund, expressed as a percentage of assets. Showing or accounting for the value of share options, distributed as incentives to employees, within the profit and loss account of a business. Regarded by some as a way of improving transparency and accountability.
A meeting of shareholders, called to seek their approval for exceptional action on the part of the company or affecting their interest as shareholders. It must be explained in the quarterly or annual report. The price that a reasonable buyer would be willing to pay and a reasonable seller would be willing to accept for a product on the open market. Commonly known as "the Fed". Central banking system of the United States.
It comprises 12 Mba project on derivatives futures and options Reserve banks under the control of the Federal Reserve Board.
The Fed is involved in setting monetary policy including interest ratesmaintains reserves, issues bank notes, lends money to member banks, and monitors the economic health of the country. A bonus payable under with-profit policies at the time of a claim. It can be altered according to investment conditions at the time.
Also called "additional" or "terminal" bonus. The dividend paid by a company to shareholders at the end of the financial year. Normally added to the interim dividend to produce the total dividend for the year. A pension scheme where the benefit pension is calculated according to the member's earnings at or near the date of their retirement, or at the time of leaving service. The amount of pension will be a proportion of the member's final salary, depending on their length of service.
Also known as a defined benefit scheme. The FCA is a company limited by guarantee and is independent of the Bank of England.
It is responsible for the conduct business regulation of all firms including those firms subject to prudential regulation by the PRA and the prudential regulation of firms not regulated by the PRA. The FCA has three statutory objectives: The FSB has been established to coordinate at the international level the work of national financial authorities and international standard setting bodies and to develop and promote the implementation of effective regulatory, supervisory and other financial sector policies.
Refers to partnerships, such as accountants and stockbrokers, and small privately owned companies. Means by which a government can influence the national economy through changes in tax and public spending. A guaranteed rate of interest paid over the term of an investment or loan. A fixed interest security is an investment such as a government bond that provides a set level of income and usually has a redemption value, paid at maturity. When a company's shares are sold to investors and quoted on the stock market for the first time.
Sometimes known as an initial public offering IPO. This is the investment by a company based in one country into a company or investment project in another country. An arrangement through which a company with a successful product or service agrees to allow other organisations to manufacture, distribute or sell that product or service, usually in exchange for a fee. The assets held by a company over and above those it is required by law to maintain to meet its liabilities to policyholders.
Contributions to a pension contract separate from a company pension scheme but paid by a member sp500 trading strategies and stock betas that scheme. This gives the individual the opportunity dt pro forex save more for their retirement and choose where the contributions are invested.
When all or most of the charges and commissions on an insurance policy or loan become payable when the contract is first taken out. The FT Index is the Financial Times Ordinary Share Index, also known as the 30 Share Index.
It began in and is based on the prices of 30 leading industrial and commercial shares. Its equivalent in the US is the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The benchmark index for share prices in London, the "Footsie" is based on the price of the largest companies by market capitalisation quoted on the Stock Exchange. Introduced in to fill the need for a constantly updated index, it is calculated once a minute during trading hours.
Measures the performance of the biggest companies ranking just below the FTSE This index can vary markedly from the FTSE since mid-sized companies are more directly exposed to changes in the UK economy than the larger, international blue chips in the FTSE The FTSE plus the FTSE This is used for calculating FTSE industry baskets, which allow investors to assess how individual industry sectors are doing during the day. The most comprehensive of all the UK stock market indices.
Calculated once a day. Regarded as the main yardstick for professional investors, and widely used for index tracking purposes. Share price indicators from the UK and world stock markets complied by the Financial Times in conjunction with the Faculty and Institute of Actuaries and the London Stock Exchange.
Among the most important FTSE indices are the FTSE and the FTSE All-Share. A pool of financial assets into which premiums are invested to produce an investment return. Examples include property funds, managed funds and with-profit funds.
Strictly speaking, these are "investment funds" rather than just "funds". Fund management is the act of actively looking after such investments on behalf of individual and institutional customers.
Management of money invested, typically, in stocks and shares, fixed interest, property and cash on behalf of individual and institutional customers. Also known as asset management or investment management. A financial contract to buy or sell something on a specified future date for a pre-agreed price.
Futures markets exist for currencies, government bonds and commodities such as coffee, cocoa, copper and tin. A highly geared company carries a lot of debt. Known in the US as leverage. Non-life insurance mainly concerned with protecting taiwan stock trading time policyholder from loss or damage caused by specific risks.
Examples include motor or auto insurance, household, contents and buildings insurance, and business or commercial insurance. Known in some markets as property and casualty insurance. Bonds or securities issued by the UK government to raise funds are called gilts, or gilt-edged, because they are considered to be a safe form of investment the UK government has never failed to pay interest or repay capital.
How is gdp growth rate linked with stock market returns stocks issued are mostly fixed interest, although some are index-linked. Most government stocks have a redemption date, and are known as dated gilts, but some have no redemption date and need never be repaid. Like shares, gilts are bought and sold on the stock exchange and their price fluctuates according to the prevailing interest rate and their redemption date.
The market is known as the gilt market. A unit trust or mutual fund investing in stocks or bonds across the world. Global funds provide opportunities for spreading investments into different markets and sectors, but can carry additional risks, such as currency fluctuations and political and economic instability.
A list of banks deemed systemically important to the global financial system by the FSB as part of an international initiative set by the G A list of banks and insurers deemed to be systemically important to the global financial system by the FSB.
A list of insurance companies deemed systemically important to the global financial system by the IAIS as part of an international initiative set by the G A system of currency exchange rates fixed with reference to the value of gold held by national central banks. Today, most exchange rates are managed differently. The UK left the gold standard in and the US in The theoretical value to a company of its business connections. Goodwill also represents the difference between the amount paid for a business and the fair value of its net assets.
Together with such things as patents, royalties and trademarks, it forms what are known as intangible assets. See also Black Monday and Black Tuesday. A period of severe economic contraction during the s when unemployment remained high and many businesses collapsed. Followed the US stock market crash cyber monday cosmetic sales The total value of all goods and services produced domestically by a country each year.
Can be calculated as gross national product minus income from abroad. A key measure of national economic health. US official statistics use gross national product GNP. Total value of goods and services produced each year by a country. Real growth in GNP reflects increase in output after taking away the effect of inflation.
The total earnings or revenue generated by sales of insurance products, before any reinsurance is taken into account. Not all premiums written will necessarily be treated as income in the current financial year, because some of them could relate to insurance cover for a subsequent period. See also net premiums written.
Seven leading industrialised countries - the US, Japan, Germany, France, UK, Italy and Canada - who meet to discuss major economic and political issues. The European Community also takes part. Began in the mids. The addition of Russia in created the G8.
A pension scheme which an employer sets up for the benefit of his employees. All staff can become members of the same scheme.
Group personal pension schemes are individual policies taken out by people working for the same employer that are grouped together for administrative convenience.
An investment fund whose aim is to achieve capital gains, rather than income, by investing in growth stocks. Typically it will focus on companies that demonstrate significant earnings or revenue growth, rather than companies paying high dividends.
النمو الاقتصادي.
Growth funds can be more volatile than other types, rising more in bull markets and falling further in bear markets. Internationally recognised measure of inflation used by the European Central Bank to compare price movements across the eurozone.
Adopted as the main measure of domestic inflation in the UK inbut known as the consumer prices index. Differs from the UK's former retail price index in the type of consumer spending included and how it is calculated, and consequently tends to give a lower inflation figure.
Provides cover against loss from illness or bodily injury. Can pay for medicine, visits to the doctor, hospital stays, other medical expenses and loss of earnings, depending on the conditions covered and the benefits and choices of treatment available on the policy.
A type of investment fund that uses aggressive investment techniques and is exempt from many of the rules and regulations that govern other types of fund. Most hedge funds set high minimum investment amounts, so tend to be used by wealthy individuals and institutions. Protecting against the risk of losses in one investment by taking up other investment positions that will reduce the risk run by the first commitment.
This can mean investing in opposite positions in the same or equivalent stock or markets using complicated packages of futures and options. Though speculative, hedging is actually a cautious action which sets out to reduce the risk run by the investor. Equities or bonds that offer a high rate of return on your investment are said to be high yield.
There is likely to be more risk attached to such investments. A legal entity that owns other companies and whose main assets are its shareholdings usually a controlling interest in those other businesses.
Sometimes includes the word Holding or Holdings in its company name. Where one company attempts to buy the shares of another and the directors of the target do not recommend acceptance of the offer. See also takeover bid. A means of borrowing from the market. International Financial Reporting Standards. These are accounting regulations designed to ensure comparable balance sheet preparation and disclosure of financial statements.
Publicly listed companies in the European Union are required to use IFRS as adopted by the EU. A tutorial forex untuk pemula pdf of providing an income from the proceeds of a personal pension plan in the UK without having to buy an annuity until the age of At retirement, people can choose to transfer their money into a drawdown plan and take an annual income from the fund.
This arrangement enables individuals to avoid being locked into the prevailing annuity rate and means their pension fund can grow if investment conditions are favourable. Death benefits are generally better, too. However, it can be a more expensive option, and the investment risk is greater because the value of the fund can fall as well as rise. Also, if annuity rates decline, it could mean a lower income when the annuity is purchased at the age of An investment fund that aims to generate current income in the form of dividends or payments from stocks and bonds, rather than capital growth.
Income funds steps make money google adsense wikipedia regarded as conservative investment, and tend to be popular with retirees and other investors looking for a steady cash flow without taking on too much risk. In the UK, a person or organisation authorised to give advice on financial matters and to sell the products of all financial services providers. They are legally obliged to offer the product that best suits their client's needs.
An index is the weighted penny stocks to buy may 2018 of a group of securities used to measure the ups and downs of a market, market sector or asset class, and to provide a performance benchmark against which other investments in that category can be measured.
Share price indices form the basis for many index-tracking funds. The creation of an automatic link between income or payments and a specified index of prices or earnings. Designed to offset the effects of inflation. UK government bonds or securities whose returns are tied to the retail price index.
Known in the US as treasury inflation protected securities Tips. Investment funds designed to match the performance of a market index, such as the FTSE All-Share.
This can be done by buying every single stock in the index full replication or by buying a representative cross-section of shares from the index sampling. Tax-efficient plans for investing in stocks and shares, cash deposits or life insurance investment funds, subject to certain limits.
Introduced in the UK in An increase in the general level of prices over a ny stock exchange hours december 31 of time.
An insurance policy is "in force" from its start date until the date it is terminated. A tax paid on the value of assets such as money and property passed from one person to another as part of their estate after death or, in certain circumstances, as gifts during their lifetime.
Formerly known in the UK as death duties or capital transfer tax. An inherited estate is money that has built up in a with-profits fund over many years, above the amount that is expected to be needed to meet current and future policyholder commitments and other obligations such as tax and expenses, on a realistic basis.
An inherited estate is retained to provide security for policyholders against unexpected adverse conditions, such as substantial falls in stock market values, to provide investment flexibility, and to provide the finance that is needed to support the continued writing of new business in the fund. In this context the term "inherited estate" has a specific meaning and does not refer to an inheritance received when someone dies, exchange rate between singapore dollar and euro to property of any sort.
Sometimes referred to as "orphan estate" but not to be confused with unclaimed assets also known as "orphan assets"which are not included in the inherited estate. The first time a company lists on the stock exchange, and asks investors to buy shares in it, is known as an IPO, new share issue, or flotation. Billionaires pull out of stock market practice of buying or selling shares on the basis of privileged, confidential or price-sensitive information.
Recession - Wikipedia.
Also known as insider trading. Another term for bankruptcy. Happens when individuals or businesses do not have enough resources to pay their debts. Large financial organisation, such as a bank, insurance company, pension fund or investment trust, that holds and trades substantial volumes of stocks and shares for its own benefit or on behalf of others.
See also private investor. A contract taken out with an insurer to protect against loss from a perceived risk. The person taking out the insurance is called the insured. Payments for the policy are called premiums. The theoretical value to a company of its non-physical assets, such as its brand name, patents, royalties, trademarks, copyright and goodwill. The fee charged by a lender for the use of borrowed money, or the return earned on an investment, such as savings in a deposit account.
Can also mean part or total ownership of can i buy stocks with unsettled funds asset. Home loan where the borrower pays back only the interest until the end of the loan period, at which time the original sum borrowed also needs to be repaid. Percentage rate at which money is added to savings or borrowings.
The cost of borrowing or lending money. A dividend declared part-way through a company's financial year, before the final profit is known. Usually paid quarterly in the US or at as found in usa honest tc binary options half-year UK. Figures issued during the financial year to indicate business performance since the last full-year accounts were published.
Usually announced quarterly or at the half-year. An individual or organisation who introduces business to an insurance company on behalf of a customer and represents them in dealings with the company. Types of intermediary include financial advisers, agents, brokers, dealers and traders.
Established following the Bretton Woods agreement of with a wide-ranging brief to oversee the international monetary system, promote exchange rate stability and encourage international trade. In practice, became the main lender to member countries facing balance of payments difficulties. Also publishes international financial surveys and forecasts. Buying and holding assets, such as shares, bonds, property and commodities, to earn income or to make capital gains.
A US financial organisation involved in corporate finance, advice on mergers, takeovers and acquisitions, the launch of new stocks and shares, and investment management. Similar to the UK merchant bank. Earnings or revenue such as share dividends and interest payments arising from the ownership of assets. An investment fund set up as company quoted on the stock exchange which buys shares in other companies.
Investment trusts have fixed capital, so the price of the shares is determined by investors' interest in the company itself, unlike unit trustswhich can buy or sell units in response to demand. Income earned abroad from business other than the selling of goods. It can include earnings from banking, insurance, investment, shipping and tourism. Also known as keyperson insurance. Cover designed to protect or compensate a business in the event of the death or incapacity of an important employee regarded as crucial to that organisation.
A one troy ounce gold coin from South Africa. This is one of a number of gold coins that can be bought by individual investors and traded on the London bullion market. General insurance claims that are often not made until many years after the period of cover provided, due to the impact of perils or causes not becoming evident for a number of years.
Sources of latent claims include asbestos-related diseases, environmental pollution and industrial deafness.
A company's debts and obligations, shown on the balance sheet as claims on its assets. How to make money transfers untraceable designed to protect the policyholder in the event of a claim by a third party alleging that negligence or inappropriate action has resulted in bodily injury or damage to property.
Can cover a range of personal, professional and commercial risks. Promises the payment of an agreed sum of money upon the how is gdp growth rate linked with stock market returns of the insured within a specified period of time. Also known as life assurance.
London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange, where futures and options are traded. A legal arrangement where the owners of a business have limited responsibility for debts, usually restricted to the amount aftermarket stocks for ruger gunsite scout have invested in shares or some other specified figure. Such businesses normally have "Limited" or "Ltd" as part of their name.
By contrast, unlimited liability allows creditors to have a claim on other assets belonging to the owners in the event nse currency derivatives market timings a deficit. Process which brings a company's existence to an end after distributing its assets. A liquidator is the insolvency practitioner who winds up a company.
Ease with which an asset can be bought or sold without significantly affecting its price. Forex strategy stop loss liquid asset is one easily convertible into cash. A company whose shares are accepted for trading on a stock exchange is said to be listed.
Means the same as quoted. The world's main market in marine, aviation and unique risks. Lloyd's is organised into underwriting syndicates comprising Names investors with unlimited liabilities who are willing to underwrite most types of insurance. Can trace its origins to Edward Lloyd's Coffee House in lateth century London, where the owner attracted merchants and ship-owners by posting the latest shipping information.
In a group of Lloyd's customers agreed to form their binary options bonds association and in moved into rooms at the Royal Exchange.
In Lloyd's was incorporated by Parliament for the "promotion of marine insurance and the diffusion of shipping intelligence". Lloyd's Register is an independent risk how to move money from credit card to paypal organisation with more than offices around the world.
Founded in as the Register Society by customers of Edward Lloyd's coffee house in London, it first published the Register of Ships in to give underwriters and merchants an idea of the condition of the vessels they insured and chartered.
Today, in addition to marine activities, it has operations covering management systems, land-based industries, railways, and oil and gas. Lloyd's Register is sometimes confused with other organisations that owe their origins to Lloyd's coffee house, including Lloyd's of Londonthe international insurance market. The performance of overseas business can be calculated in local currency to remove the effects of exchange rate volatility.
This gives a clearer demonstration of trends. The rate of interest on short-term credit charged by the Bundesbank, the German central bank, to other banks. It is seen as an important international economic indicator.
The UK's main marketplace for buying and selling shares in quoted companies, and one of the leading exchanges in Europe. Technically the International Stock Exchange of the United Kingdom and Ireland. Can trace its roots back towhen brokers expelled from the Royal Exchange for rowdiness formed a club at Jonathan's Coffee House forex indicator builder buy and sell shares.
In members voted to change the name to the Stock Exchange, and in it became a regulated exchange. Investors are long if they have bought stocks or shares but have not yet arranged a compensating sale.
A benefit arising in the form of a single, once-and-for-all payment rather than a series of payments. An investment fund in which the choice of investments is made by a fund manager, usually with the aim of producing steady growth and a good balance of security. The purchase of a company by some or all of its managers, usually with financial backing from outside. Profit margin as a percentage of trading profit. Reflects the underlying profitability of the business, but not whether the company is making money for shareholders.
It is calculated before interest charges and tax. The place where transactions take place in a particular type of commodity, such as a stock exchange. The value of a company calculated by multiplying the number of shares the company has in circulation by the market price of those shares.
An individual broker or dealer who sets the price at which stocks can be bought and sold. Each stock market investing virginia listed on the London Stock Exchange must have at least two market-makers.
Before Big Bangthe only people allowed to make a market in company shares were called "jobbers", who dealt only with agency brokers. Now stockbrokers can also be market-makers, and can deal with whomever they like. The price at which a stock, bond or commodity was most recently bought or sold. Also called market value. See also bid price and offer price. A penalty that may be applied if a customer takes units out of a with-profit fund other than on a pre-agreed date, to take account of investment market conditions at the time.
The adjustment is used to protect the remaining policyholders with units in that fund. Economies such as the USA, UK and continental Europe that are considered to be well established, stable and therefore less risky for investors than emerging markets. The date that an insurance policy or other financial contract finishes or "matures", and the proceeds, sometimes known as the maturity value, become payable. Specialised UK bank multi money forex ltd investment services, corporate advice, trade and project finance, exchange rate dealing, etc, to clients worldwide.
It also acts as an issuing house for stocks and bonds, and advises companies involved in mergers. A "marriage" of two or more companies, with the pre-agreement of 5 minimum deposit for binary option brokers with no, whereby one company acquires the shares of the other as was the case with the merger of CGU and Norwich Union, which created Aviva or the shares of both companies pass to a third party.
The midpoint between the buying price also known as the bid price and the selling price also known as the offer price of a unit or share. Most newspapers quote the mid-price for shares. When buying, you generally pay a bit more than the mid-price; when selling, you usually receive a bit less.
Regulation of the money supply and interest rates by a central bank, such as the Federal Reserve in the US, with the aim of controlling inflation and stabilising the national currency. Monetary policy enables a government to affect the amount of money spent by consumers and businesses.
The illegal process of disguising the origins of money from criminal activities so that it appears legitimate. This can be attempted by transferring it through many bank accounts so it becomes difficult to trace, or by investing tutorial forex untuk pemula pdf in legitimate business how much money did brock lesnar make for ufc 141 and taking "clean" cash from the proceeds.
For this reason, many countries require financial institutions to check the origins of large cash deposits. A short-term debt obligation, such as a banker's certificate earn cash in hand manchester deposit, commercial paper or government security, generally regarded as a low-risk, low-return investment for the holder.
Total amount of money in circulation in an economy. There are several ways this can be measured such as M0, M1, M3and the vietnam stock market etf for these figures vary slightly from country to country.
Financial authorities use these measures to set targets for monetary growth. A loan to buy a home. Technically, it is the security provided by a borrower to a lender in return for funds advanced - usually the property in question. Typically there are two forms of mortgage: A business organisation, such as an insurance company or building society, owned by utrader binary options members or policyholders.
Any profits are shared among the members through bonus payments, dividends or reductions in future premiums. American term for an investment vehicle that pools money from subscribers and invests in a range of stocks, bonds and other assets. Cara trading forex tanpa loss are mostly free to buy or sell shares in the fund at download forex trading maximum profit time.
An open-ended fund will sell as many shares as alligator strategy forex want the equivalent of a unit trustwhereas for closed-end funds there is only a limited number of shares equivalent to an investment trust.
North American Free Trade Agreement. An agreement reached in by the United States, Canada, and Mexico to phase out tariffs and encourage free trade between the three North American countries. An underwriting member of the Lloyd's of London insurance market, organised into syndicates to spread the risks involved.
Traditionally wealthy individuals who assumed unlimited liability for the risks they covered. The National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation system, operated in the US.
A computerised system for providing price quotes for securities in the US. Set up in as an information service, now regarded as a major stock exchange in its own right. Payments made by most working people to the UK government to cover unemployment, sickness, maternity and old age pension benefits. The proportion of net premiums written recognised for accounting purposes as income in a given period. Total gross premiums written for a given period, minus premiums paid over or "ceded" to reinsurers.
The amount left over after deducting tax, interest, depreciation, fees, minority interests and functions of bombay stock exchange ppt charges from sales revenue. Also known as net earnings, global forex trading without deposit net income.
Term used to describe the value of long-term savings policies sold to new and existing customers. Includes premium increases on existing business.
Correlation Between Equity Returns, GDP Growth - Business Insider.
This "strain" arises because, in addition to meeting costs associated with the sale of contracts, insurance companies must make actuarial provisions at the outset of a contract that are often significantly higher than the premiums received.
To begin auto binary options trade trading service, therefore, cash outflows exceed inflows, creating a strain.
Founded inthis is the largest and oldest organised securities exchange in the Moneygram euro rate in pakistan. Also known as the Big Board. It was founded by the signing of the Buttonwood Agreement by a group of stockbrokers and merchants who met under a buttonwood tree at what is now 68 Wall Street.
The Bank of New York was the first corporate stock traded, and was the first listed company on the NYSE. It operates as an auction market where orders are brought to the trading floor for execution. Benchmark share price index of the largest companies quoted on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Where the shareholders of the companies that are merging receive shares in the merged entity in return for their existing shares, but no money changes hands.
Someone nominated to act on your behalf. For example, traders often hold securities in a nominee name as this makes settlement easier. A company with very little external borrowing relative to the money shareholders have how much money did tom make from myspace in it.
Insurance cover guaranteeing certain benefits but for which the policyholder bears no investment risk and does not gain or lose if returns differ from expectations. Pure risk business, such as term assurance, annuities, health insurance and disability cover, is normally written on a non-profit basis. A pension scheme arranged by an employer for the benefit of one or more employees.
The price an investor must pay, or what the market demands, for buying a share or a unit in an investment fund. The main market in London, comprising the UK Listing Authority's record of all listed or "quoted" securities. Companies on the Official List have been vetted by the London Stock Exchange quotations department and are subject to the listing rules in the Yellow Book.
The first issues date back to In the UK, a government official who administers the sale or disposal of assets in cases of bankruptcy, insolvency and compulsory liquidation. Term used for funds held outside one's own country, sometimes in "tax havens" that operate in less heavily regulated financial jurisdictions and offer tax advantages or greater privacy to indicatori forex migliori investor.
The relocation of business processes from one country to another where there are lower costs or tax savings. Also known as business process outsourcing BPOwhere a company in one country provides services for a company in another part of the world.
Business operations can include manufacturing, IT, administration and call centres. A collective investment fund structured as a limited company in which investors can buy and sell shares. The option to use the proceeds of a pension contract to buy an annuity from an insurance company other than the one with whom the pension was held. Usually done to obtain a better interest rate but sometimes used for convenience, so that all payments to an individual come from the same source.
The day-to-day expenses involved in running a business, such as sales and administration, as opposed to production costs. Also called operating expenses. Excludes non-operational items, such as one-off gains or losses from the sale of assets or acquisition costs. Also called earnings before interest and taxes EBITor operating income. Where ownership of a company is ruger mini 14 tapco stock review into a number of equal parts or "shares", ordinary shareholders are entitled to a distribution of the profits known as dividends and have the right to vote at company meetings.
If the company is wound up, ordinary shareholders are entitled to any assets left after all other obligations have been met. These residual assets are known as the equity of the company, hence the term "equities" sometimes used to describe ordinary shares.
Ordinary shares rank after debentures and preference shares. Known in the US as common stock. The OECD provides a forum in which governments can work together to share experiences and seek solutions to common problems. The mission of the OECD is to promote policies that will improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world.
The continuing administrative costs of running a business that cannot be attributed to any specific activity but are still necessary for the business to function.
Examples include rent, insurance, electricity and water. To have a larger proportion of a fund or share portfolio in one type of investment or sector than the market benchmark or average. The opposite of " underweight ". A business association formed by two or more people. Often known as a firm. A partnership is not an incorporated company, and has no standalone legal basis, which means that the partners or "general partners" usually have unlimited responsibility for any debts incurred by the business.
An exception is limited partners who, like shareholders, are liable only for what they have invested in the business. See also limited liability. Ordinary shares or common stocks that are low-priced and often regarded as highly speculative because of the perceived risks of investing in the companies concerned. Traditionally popular with private investors. A regular payment received by an individual during their retirement until they die.
Also known as an annuity. It is usually bought through payment of regular contributions during the individual's working lifetime. Pensionable salary can differ from actual remuneration as it excludes items such as overtime and commission.
The period of service with an employer that is taken into account when calculating pension benefits. Refers to a pool of pensions contributions invested for growth.
Also used to refer to a type of institutional investor who administers and invests funds for pension plans. A financial institution such as a bank or insurance company authorised to provide pensions contracts. Per capita income represents the average earnings for each person in a population, and is often used to measure a country's standard of living. Method for UK individuals to invest a certain sum in stocks and shares each year without attracting income tax or capital gains tax. Introduced in but no longer sold.
Replaced in by individual savings accounts. An extension of car insurance which covers medical expenses and, in some cases, lost wages and other damages. It provides evidence that a contract exists between the insured and insurer. A collection of financial assets - investments in shares, fixed interest stocks, cash and property - held by an investor. A company or individual who plans to take control of another company, usually by buying a controlling interest and installing new management.
Also known as a raider. Shares paying a fixed dividend, and which have prior claims over ordinary shares to dividends and to capital repayment if a company is wound up. They have no priority over debentures, loan stocks and company creditors.
Like ordinary shares, preference shares represent part-ownership in a company, although preference shareholders do not enjoy voting rights at company meetings.
A company's unaudited full-year results, declared as a prelude to the publication of the annual report and accounts. The monetary amount paid for an insurance policy. The payment a policyholder makes in return for insurance cover. Usually paid monthly, annually or as a single lump sum. Also, if the market price of a new share is higher than its issue price, it is said to be trading at a premium the opposite of discount.
PVNBP is a measure of life and pension sales using the European embedded value method of financial reporting. Similar in principle to the UK industry standard of annual premium equivalent. Share price divided by earnings per share over the latest month period. The result offers investors a way of comparing companies' prospects. Information about a business which, if made public, would be likely to have a significant effect on the company's share price. Listed companies must report such information to the stock exchange.
See regulatory news service. A term for the original investment, or the amount borrowed, or the part of the amount borrowed that remains unpaid excluding interest. An individual who buys and sells relatively small amounts of shares or other holdings for their own benefit. Also known as an "individual", "retail" or "small" investor. See also institutional investor. Conversion of a state-run company one in private ownership, often as a public limited company with shares offered for sale to the public.
Excess of income over expenses for a particular period. Figures may be given as gross profit, net profit before tax, net profit after tax, and earnings. An account compiled at the end of the financial year showing that year's revenue and expense items, and indicating gross and net profit or loss. Set way to describe or restate a company's financial results when circumstances have changed, for example after a flotation, merger or takeover.
Also known as non-life or general insurance. Casualty insurance primarily covers losses arising from accidents that cause injury to other people or damage to the property of others.
Property insurance covers loss or damage through fire, theft, floods, storms and other specified risks. A method by which a shareholder may vote without attending a meeting by appointing someone else to vote on their behalf.
The PRA is a part of the Bank of England and is responsible for the prudential regulation of deposit taking institutions, insurers and major investment firms. The PRA has two statutory objectives: Only public limited companies may be listed or traded on the London Stock Exchange.
In the UK, the annual budget deficit of the public sector as a whole - in other words, the amount of public funding that has to be borrowed in any financial year. In other countries, known as public sector deficit. If a company has a quote or is "quoted"its shares can be bought and sold on the stock exchange. Means the same as listed. A sharp rise in the value of a stock market or particular share. Sometimes followed by a fall in price also known as a "reaction" or "correction" as investors sell to take profits.
The change in value of an investment over a period of time, taking into account income from it and any change in its market value. Normally expressed as an equivalent annual percentage of the total amount invested.
Also the yield from a fixed income security. The actual price of an investment at that moment. Most share prices displayed on websites are delayed by at least minutes. A reattribution allows eligible policyholders to choose to receive an incentive payment in return for giving up their interests in any possible future payout from an inherited estate.
A period of general economic decline. Specifically, a decline in gross domestic product GDP for two or more consecutive quarters. The deadline determined by a company's board of directors by when an investor must be recorded as an owner of shares to qualify for a forthcoming dividend or share distribution.
Person or organisation that keeps a record of individual shareholders and information such as dividend payment dates. An additional amount allocated to a with-profit policy, usually once a year, to reflect earnings on the underlying investments. Once declared, the bonus is guaranteed as part of the payout on maturity. Also known as "annual" or "reversionary" bonus. An organisation with statutory powers to lay down a framework within which member companies must operate.
Information service used by listed companies to make announcements to the London Stock Exchange to ensure that price sensitive information is communicated in a timely and secure manner to all investors. A form of insurance bought by insurance companies to protect themselves from the risk of large losses. One insurer pays to place part of an insured risk or an entire book of business with one or more other insurance companies, known as the reinsurers. Method of repaying a mortgage loan where each monthly payment comprises a part repayment of the original loan plus interest on the outstanding amount.
By the end of the loan period, the mortgage loan should be fully repaid. Also known as a capital and interest mortgage.
Assets held by a bank or company in case of future needs. Also a technical term for holdings held by banks at the central bank. Former measure of inflation in the UK, representing the average cost of spending by typical households. RPI includes mortgage interest payments, while RPIX excludes them.
Now replaced by the harmonised index of consumer priceswhich is calculated differently, and tends to result in a lower figure. The equivalent in the US is the consumer prices index. For savings, the difference between the original sum invested and the final value of income or capital growth, given as a percentage. For shares, the overall investment performance based on the movement in the price of the shares gain or loss and the dividend income from the shares.
See also rate of return. Usually calculated as pre-tax profit divided by capital employed total assets minus current liabilitiesexpressed as a percentage.
Indicates how efficiently a company's management uses its assets to generate profits over a period of time.
The acquisition of a stock market-listed company by a private company or, more generally, a smaller company buying a larger one. An invitation from a company to their existing shareholders to buy new shares, usually for less than the prevailing share price, to raise additional capital.
See also vendor placing. The measurable probability of loss or less-than-expected returns from an investment, asset or business activity. Capital allocated by a company to cover risks arising from the nature of its business and the markets in which it operates, based on an assessment of those risks and the likelihood of adverse developments.
For example, banks may be required to set aside capital to cover their exposure to the risk of customers defaulting on the repayment of loans. The process of managing accounts and settling claims for an insurance business or investment fund that has stopped accepting new risks or has been closed to new business.
It can also be a termination condition of a reinsurance contract that the reinsurer remains liable for losses after the contract ends until policies in force at the time have been "run off", either for a specified period or until they have expired. Organisation that provides funds for house purchase.
American equivalent of a building society. The payment of dividends in the form of extra shares, rather than cash. The advantage to the company is that cash resources are retained while the shareholder gets more shares at no cost. The disadvantage is that it increases the amount of stock and can therefore dilute earnings.
A free issue of new shares to existing shareholders in proportion to their holdings. Can make shares more attractive to investors because there are more of them at a lower price. Also known as stock split, capitalisation issue or bonus issue.
Part of a market or industry whose components share similar characteristics. Stocks are often grouped into sectors, such as banks, beverages, construction, engineering, food, healthcare, insurance, leisure, media, oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, real estate, technology, transport and utilities. General term for financial instruments traded on a stock exchange, such as stocks and shares, and the notes, certificates and bearer warrants that signify ownership of them.
Created inthe SEC is empowered to issue regulations and to enforce provisions of the federal securities laws and its own regulations, including regulations governing the disclosure of information in connection with securities being offered for sale of the public. The SEC is also responsible for regulating the activities of securities traders.
The SEC sees that investors are fully informed about securities being offered for sale and prevents misrepresentations, deceit and other types of fraud involved with securities transactions. This is the process by which a financial instrument is created based on pooling various types of contractual debt assets together as a packaged product. That pool of assets is then divided up into different risk tranches or sections depending on the risk of default or non-payment from the assets.
An analyst employed by a brokerage firm or other business that manages client accounts. Common term for equity. Specifically, a certificate conferring ownership rights in a company. Ordinary shares or common stock provide voting rights at company meetings and entitle the holder to a proportional share of the profits. Only listed companies in the US called corporations issue shares.
Other types, such as sole ownerships or limited partnerships, do not. How a company distributes its profits to its shareholders, who receive a set amount for each share that they own.
Someone who owns shares or stock in a company or mutual fund. Shareholders also have the right to declared dividends and the right to vote on company matters, including the board of directors. Shareholders' funds represent the assets that remain once all a company's liabilities have been accounted for. This also equates to the capital of the company, plus any profits that have been retained by the business. Investment trust shares normally sell at a discount to ie, at a price lower than the value of the underlying assets attributable to each share.
When times are tough these discounts may widen, so the share price falls faster than the underlying assets.
Investors are short if they have sold shares they do not possess, in the hope of buying them later at a lower price to make a profit. An open-ended investment fund similar to an Oeic in the UK, structured as a legally independent joint stock company. Units are issued in the form of shares. An accounting method by which transactions are recorded as either a credit or debit. Generally suitable for small companies with simple financial statements.
See also double-entry bookkeeping. A policy of investing in companies or funds that demonstrate best practice in social, environmental and corporate governance.
Examples include environmentally friendly or "green" funds, and sectors such as hospitals and education. Depending on the criteria used, it might entail avoiding such industries as alcohol, firearms, tobacco and chemical pollutants.
Some institutional shareholders use their investment muscle to influence companies in which they invest to promote improved standards of business conduct. This is a directive that codifies and harmonises the EU insurance regulation. It is the regulatory regime that insurance companies in the EU will have to abide by in the future.
Currently insurers have to meet a set of regulatory rules set out in Solvency 1. An investment trust that offers different types of share, typically to provide either income or capital growth. Income shares entitle the holder to dividends paid during the lifetime of the trust and a predetermined amount of any capital increase.
Holders of capital shares benefit from capital gains but receive little or no income. The aim is to provide investors with the flexibility to choose the mix of shares that best suits their requirements. The trading of commodities at the "spot" or current cash price. When a commodity is bought for cash, the ownership passes to the buyer along with the holding costs until the commodity is used or resold.
Someone who subscribes for a new share issue in the hope of selling at a profit immediately dealing starts. Any individual or organisation with an interest in a company. Also, stakeholder pensions were introduced in the UK in April as an affordable, tax-efficient way for people to save for retirement. Financial well-being, often measured by gross national income per capita the average earnings for each person in the country.
One drawback is that this does not take into account factors such as the crime rate, social and environmental issues. UK retirement savings scheme. Employees contribute through National Insurance payments, and the amount of benefit depends on earnings and the amount of National Insurance contributions paid.
Often used as an alternative word for shareespecially in the US. However, it can refer specifically to fixed-interest investments, such as bonds and gilt-edged stocks, which represent a loan to the issuer, rather than shares, which signify part ownership of a company.
A marketplace where stocks and shares and other financial instruments can be traded. Most major financial centres - examples include London, New York, Paris, Hong Kong and Tokyo - have their own stock exchange with a centralised dealing system and strict operating rules and regulations.
The computer trading system for UK stocks and shares, which shows prices for buying and selling shares and volumes traded. SEAQ was introduced as part of " Big Bang " in Subordinated debt is debt that ranks after other debts and is therefore eligible, in some circumstances, to be recognised as capital by regulators and rating agencies.
For instance, subordinated debt ranks below other senior debt in order of priority for repayment if the issuer is liquidated. Holders are compensated for the added risk through higher rates of interest. A type of mortgage for borrowers with a low credit rating or poor credit history because, for example, they have defaulted on previous loans or been bankrupt.
Lenders generally charge a higher rate of interest on subprime loans because of the greater risks involved. The lump sum benefit payable under an insurance policy or contract in circumstances defined within the policy usually it represents an amount payable on death. The act of cancelling or cashing in the proceeds of an insurance contract before it becomes payable or reaches its maturity date for a surrender value.
The amount of money payable on cancellation "surrender" of a policy with an investment element, before the benefit becomes payable normally on death or maturity.
Surrender values will depend on premiums paid and time elapsed. Unique abbreviations used to identify different companies traded on a stock exchange. For example, Aviva is represented by "AV. Sometimes called a "ticker symbol" after the electronic display or "ticker" which shows the price for each successive trade on an exchange, the trading volume and the share symbol. Where one company bids for the shares of another and seeks to persuade the shareholders of the target company to accept the offer.
It is called a "hostile bid" when the directors of the target do not recommend acceptance of the offer. See also reverse takeover. Legal arrangements made by an organisation or individual to reduce the amount of tax they pay.
The illegal method is called tax evasion. Launch in NovembertechMARK is the London Stock Exchange's international market for shares in technology companies. Members range from established multinationals to small start-up businesses and represent a variety of industries. Amounts set aside on the basis of actuarial calculations to meet obligations to policyholders.
The insurance profit of life, pensions and general insurance business. Measures performance in the core businesses. Also known as temporary insurance. A type of life insurance where the benefit sum assured is paid only if death occurs during a specific period of time.
An investment strategy that begins with overall economic conditions before narrowing down to markets and industries, and then companies in those sectors that are expected to perform well. Analysis of the individual stock is the final step. Opposite of bottom up. Total return is the change in value of an investment over a given period, including income from dividends and interest, as well as any capital gains or losses, expressed as a percentage of the initial investment.
A measure of company performance based on the overall value to shareholders of their investment in a stock over a given period of time. Includes movement in the share price and dividends paid and reinvested, expressed as a percentage of the initial value of the investment or share price at the beginning of the period. An investment fund which aims to replicate the performance of a selected market index. Loan or debt securities issued by a government to help pay for its financial needs.
Investors receive a guaranteed return over a fixed period. In the USA, treasury bills also known as T-bills are short-term securities issued for up to one year. They are sold at a discount, the difference between the purchase price and the face value representing the holder's profit at the end of the term. Treasury notes T-notes have a term of between one and 10 years, and pay a fixed rate of interest.
Treasury bonds T-bonds also pay a fixed rate of interest and are long-term securities issued with a term of more than 10 years. The UK government issues short-term treasury bills and longer-term treasury bonds, usually known as gilt-edged securities. A legal arrangement where one or more people are appointed to look after property or investments on behalf of someone else the beneficiary.
The trustees are legally responsible for how the assets are managed. Trusts can be used to look after company pension schemes and individual portfolios. Sometimes they are used as a means of protecting funds, such as an inheritance, until the beneficiary reaches a certain age. A term for funds held usually by financial institutions that have been left untouched by their owners for a considerable period of time. Unclaimed assets include dormant bank accounts, forgotten life insurance policies, surplus funds from payouts that remain unclaimed, unredeemed bonds and savings certificates, lost shares, abandoned dividends, and even unclaimed lottery winnings.
Some countries have rules and regulations that govern what may be done with unclaimed assets, including whether they may be put to productive use by the business that holds them. Also known as orphan assets. Not to be confused with inherited or "orphan" estate. UCITS are pooled investment funds that may be sold across national borders within the European Union. They can invest in a range of shares, bonds, money market instrumentsbank deposits, derivatives and units in other investment funds, subject to certain restrictions.
To have a smaller proportion of a fund or share portfolio in one type of investment or sector than the market benchmark or average. The opposite of " overweight ". Someone willing to assume an insurance risk in exchange for payment of a premium.
The term derives from the practice of the person who accepted the risk signing their name under the amount they insured thereby entering into a contract. The process of selecting which risks an insurance company can cover, and deciding the premiums and terms of acceptance. On the stock exchange, an arrangement by which a company is guaranteed that an issue of shares will raise a given amount of money, because the underwriters promise to buy any of the issue not taken up by the public.
The difference between insurance premiums earned and claims and expenses paid over a given period. If premiums are the higher figure, there is an underwriting profit; if they are lower, there is an underwriting loss. Underwriting profit excludes investment income, so is a commonly used method of evaluating the performance of a general insurance company.
See also combined operating ratio. Money not earned by working. Excludes wages, salaries, bonuses, tips and other employee remuneration.
Includes dividends from shares, interest on savings, investment income, capital gains, rental fees, royalties, pensions and social security benefits. It can also be payments received in advance for work that has not yet been carried out. Premiums received by an insurer relating to cover provided outside the current accounting period.
Such premiums are not normally treated as income until they have been "earned" during the period to which they relate. Investment policy under which contributions are used to buy units in a chosen investment fund.
A unitised investment contract where the unit price increases daily in line with a declared bonus rate. The unit price is guaranteed not to fall and may even be guaranteed to grow at a particular rate and therefore the unit price is not directly related to the value of the assets in the fund. A type of long-term savings plan where premiums are used to buy units in an investment fund, such as a unit trust.
The assets in the fund can be a mix of stocks, shares, bonds, property or other securities. The value of the units and the return from them can fluctuate in line with the investment performance of the assets in the fund, and there is no guarantee on the amount of capital that will be returned. Fund of stocks and shares held by a manager for the benefit of investors. Individuals buy units in the fund, which then invests in a wide range of shares.
This approach offers small investors the opportunity to pool their money with others and benefit from a greater spread of risk and investment opportunities. British equivalent of an American mutual fund.
A notional profit or loss that has not yet been achieved through a transaction. The profit or loss is "realised" when the investor sells the security or asset in question. Unrealised gains are usually not taxable. A basic service supplied to the public, such as water, electricity, gas, and sometimes telecommunications or transport.
A measure of the value created by writing new business. When a company issues new shares to the market generally, rather than only to its present shareholders, the issue is called a vendor placing.
This type of issue can be a quick way of raising money for a company without relying on the original shareholders to provide the cash. See also rights issue. A specialist form of high-risk financing provided for small, new companies by speculative investors. The variable amount by which a share price or market value rises and falls during a period of time. If it moves up and down rapidly or unpredictably, it has high volatility; if it is more stable or rarely changes, it has low volatility.
Financial district of New York; the American equivalent of the City of London. Used as shorthand for the US financial markets. A tradable security that gives the holder the right to buy a share or bond at a fixed price on a future date. A company or individual who rescues another company in financial difficulties, or saves a takeover target from an unwanted bidder by making a counter-bid.
An insurance contract where the benefit is payable on death, whenever it occurs. Distinct from term insurance, which pays out only if death occurs within a specific period. Free shares, typically used as an incentive to persuade the members of a mutual business to vote in favour of conversion to a public limited company. The shares are compensation for the loss of membership.
People who try to become members because they think a mutual organisation is looking to convert are known as carpetbaggers.
Tax deducted from dividends paid in some countries to non-residents. Individual can claim it back under certain conditions. A type of investment plan sold in the UK in which extra amounts may be added to the main benefit known as the sum assured to reflect profits earned during the course of the contract. Regular or "reversionary" bonuses may be added, usually each year, and once declared are guaranteed. A final or "terminal" bonus may be added when the policy becomes payable.
With-profit funds are typically invested in a mixture of equities, property and fixed income investments. An agency for channelling aid funds to developing member countries of the International Monetary Fund who might otherwise have difficulty raising capital for major infrastructure projects. Full name is the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
An international organisation that deals with the rules of trade between countries, with the objective of helping producers, suppliers, importers and exporters conduct their business. Successor organisation to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Gatt. An account in which a broker or fund manager executes investment decisions on behalf of a client in exchange for a single quarterly or annual fee, usually based on the total assets in the account rather than the number of transactions.
To reduce the value of an asset or holding on the balance sheet to reflect its current market value. An accounting action sometimes used to reflect the effect of depreciation on the book value of an asset.
To cancel a debt, or to acknowledge the loss or worthlessness of an asset. Also to remove an asset or holding entirely from a balance sheet. The reduction in value, or loss, is said to be "written off". An abbreviation used to signal that a share is trading ex-dividend. A type of investment denominated in dollars and issued in the US by foreign companies, banks and governments. Another name for a London Stock Exchange publication, Admission of Securities to Listingwhich sets out the rules for companies that wish to be quoted on the exchange.
The yellow band on a stock market price display screen which displays the current prices for a security. They are sometimes referred to as the "yellow strip" or "touch" prices.
Rate of return on an investment in percentage terms, taking into account annual income and any change in capital value. Also the dividend payable on a share expressed as a percentage of the market price. Yield to maturity is the rate of return expected if a bond or other dated investment is held for the full term of the contract, or until the maturity date. Abbreviation for "year to date". Usually means the period starting 1 January of the current year and ending today.
A bond that does not pay interest and matures at face value. It provides an investment return normally by being bought at a discounted price. A share that pays no, or "zero", dividends. Instead, it is bought at one price and redeemed later for a higher price agreed in advance. Close We use cookies to give you the best possible online experience. Select an Aviva website in your country. A accidental death benefit An extra payment made under a life insurance policy if death is caused by an accident.
Alternative Investments Market Aim Launched by the London Stock Exchange in as a market for smaller, growing companies not big enough to enter the Stock Exchange Official List the main market. American Depositary Receipt ADR A negotiable instrument issued by a Depositary Bank that evidences ownership of shares in a corporation organised outside of the US.
See American Depositary Share ADS American Depositary Share ADS Evidenced by an American Depositary Receipt ADRADSs represent ordinary shares on deposit in the United Kingdom. See American Depositary Receipt ADR amortisation An accountancy term usually used to describe the systematic reduction in value of an intangible asset due to its use over time. Association of British Insurers ABI A major trade association for UK insurance companies, established July Top of page B balance of payments A country's net financial transactions with other countries showing the balance of imports versus exports.
Bank for International Settlements BIS The central bankers' bank based in Basle, Switzerland. Bank of England The UK's central bankfounded in and based in London's Threadneedle Street since Big Bang Deregulation of the London Stock Exchange which took place on 27 October Big Board The New York Stock Exchange's price display, sometimes used to mean the exchange itself.
Big Four In the UK, a name traditionally used to describe the four largest high street banks: Black Monday There are two Black Mondays in stock market history. Black Tuesday On Tuesday 29 October, a record Black Wednesday Wednesday 16 September, the date on which the UK withdrew from the European exchange rate mechanism ERM.
Bretton Woods An international conference held in New Hampshire, USA, in which resulted in the establishment of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

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